His Illegitimate Heir

His Illegitimate Heir by Sarah M. Anderson

Book: His Illegitimate Heir by Sarah M. Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah M. Anderson
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her confrontational first meeting with Richards—or the second one, for that matter. But she was pretty sure she would be on the news tonight, one face in a human backdrop behind Zeb Richards as he completely blew up everything people thought they knew about the Beaumont family and the brewery.
    Well, there was only one thing to do. As soon as Daniel Lee gave her phone back, she had to text her dad.
    Oh, the reporters were shouting again. Richards picked up his tablet to walk off the platform. Daniel motioned to the people in front of her as they were beginning to walk back up the front steps. The press conference was apparently over. Thank God for that.
    Richards appeared to be ignoring the reporters but that only made the reporters shout louder. He’d almost made it to the door when Natalie Baker—the beautiful blonde woman who trafficked in local Denver gossip on her show, A Good Morning with Natalie Baker —physically blocked Zeb’s way with her body. And her breasts. They were really nice ones, the kind that Casey had never had and never would.
    Natalie Baker all but purred a question at Richards. “Are there more like you?” she asked, her gaze sweeping to include Daniel in the question.
    It must’ve been the breasts, because for the first time, Richards went off script. “I’ve located one more brother, but he’s not part of this venture. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
    Baker looked thrilled and the rest of the crowd started shouting questions again. That was a dumb thing to do , Casey thought. Now everyone would have to know who the third one was and why he wasn’t on the stage with Richards and Lee.
    Men. A nice rack and they lost their little minds.
    She didn’t get a chance to talk to Richards again. And even if she had, what would she have said? Nice press conference that I didn’t pay attention to? No, even she knew that was not the way to go about things.
    Besides, she had her own brand of damage control to deal with. She needed to text her dad, warning him that the company would be in the news again but he shouldn’t panic—her boss had faith in her. Then she had to go back and warn her crew. No, it was probably too late for that. She had to reassure them that they were going to keep making beer. Then she had to start the hiring process for some new employees and she had to make sure that tank fifteen was actually working properly today...
    And she had to get ready for Tuesday. She was having lunch and beer with the boss.
    Which boss would show up?

    F rankly, he could use a beer.
    â€œDid you contact CJ?” Daniel asked. “He needs to be warned.”
    Here, in the privacy of his own office with no one but Daniel around, Zeb allowed himself to lean forward and pinch the bridge of his nose. Make that several beers.
    â€œI did. He didn’t seem concerned. As long as we keep his name and whereabouts out of it, he thinks he’s unfindable.”
    Daniel snorted. “You found him.”
    â€œA fact of which I reminded him.” Zeb knew that CJ’s refusal to be a part of Zeb’s vision for the brothers wasn’t personal. Still, it bugged him. “I think it’s safe to say that he’s a little more laid-back than we are.”
    That made Daniel grin. “He’ll come around. Eventually. Has there been any other...contact?”
    â€œNo.” It wasn’t that he expected the acknowledged members of the Beaumont family to storm the brewery gates and engage in a battle for the heart and soul of the family business. But while the rest of the world was engaged in furious rounds of questions and speculation, there had been radio silence from the Beaumonts themselves. Not even a No comment . Just...nothing.
    Not that Zeb expected any of them to fall over themselves to welcome him and Daniel into the family. He didn’t.
    He checked his watch.
    â€œDo you have a hot date?” Daniel asked in

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