Quick, Amanda - Slightly Shady.txt

Quick, Amanda - Slightly Shady.txt by Slightly Shady

Book: Quick, Amanda - Slightly Shady.txt by Slightly Shady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Slightly Shady
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while Joan appeared to contemplate the news. "How very adventurous of you, Mrs. Lake." "I felt I had little choice but to take some action." "Well," Joan said eventually, "it would seem your problem has resolved itself. Your blackmailer is dead." "On the contrary, Mrs. Dove." Lavinia smiled coolly. "The matter has grown more complicated. You see, the diary I had hoped to 'retrieve was not in Mr. Felix's rooms. I was left to conclude that the killer now has it in his or"-Lavinia paused delicately-"her possession, as the case may be." Joan was not in the least slow-witted, Lavinia noted. She caught the implications immediately. They seemed to amuse her. "Surely you do not believe I am the person who killed Mr. Felix and took the diary," Joan said. "I was rather hoping you were the one. It would make things ever so much more simple and straightforward, you see." An odd expression litJoan's eyes. "You are a most extraordinary woman, Mrs. Lake. This career you mentioned a moment ago.
    Does it by any chance involve treading the boards in Drury Lane or Covent Garden?" "No, Mrs. Dove, it does not, although I find myself called upon to do a bit of acting now and again." "I see. Well, this has all been quite entertaining, but I assure you I know nothing of murder and blackmail." Joan made a show of looking at the clock. "Dear me, it is rather late, is it not? I fear I must ask you to leave. I have an appointment with my modiste this afternoon." This was not going well. Lavinia leaned forward slightly. "Mrs. Dove, if you were being blackmailed by Holton Felix and if you are not the person who killed him, you are now in a somewhat precarious position. I may be able to assist you." Joan gave her a look of polite bemusement. "Whatever do you mean?" "We must consider the possibility that the person who murdered Holton Felix and stole the diary may attempt to set himself up in the extortion business." "You expect new threats?" "Even if there are no new blackmail notes, the fact remains that someone out there has the bloody diary. I find that a very disturbing notion, don't you?" Joan blinked once, but she gave no other sign that the picture Lavinia painted alarmed her. "I mean no offense, Mrs. Lake, but you are starting to sound like a candidate for Bedlam." Lavinia gripped her hands together very tightly. "Holton Felix must have known something about you, madam. There is no other reason why he would have had your address stuck inside a perfectly dreadful novel devoted to the subject of the debauching of an innocent young woman." Rage flashed in Joan's expression. "How dare you imply that I would be acquainted with such an individual. Please remove yourself at once, Mrs. Lake, or I shall ask one of the footmen to perform the task." "Mrs. Dove, please listen to me. If you were one of Holton Felix's blackmail victims, then you may well possess information that, combined with what I already know of the matter, will enable me to determine the identity of whoever now possesses the diary. Surely you are as interested as I am in recovering it, madam." "You have wasted enough of my time." "For a small fee, just enough to compensate me for my time and expenses, you understand, I will be happy to make inquiries into the matter." "Enough. You are clearly a madwoman." Joan's eyes were as hard as gemstones. "I must insist that you take your leave or I will have you thrown out into the street." So much for the direct approach, Lavinia thought. it was not always easy finding clients in her new profession. With a small sigh of frustration, she got to her feet. "I shall see myself out, Mrs. Dove. But you have my card. If you should change your mind, please feel free to call upon me. I suggest you do not delay too long, however. Time is of the essence." She walked quickly to the door and let herself out of the drawing room. In the front hall the butler gave her a chilling look and opened the front door. Lavinia tied her bonnet strings and went down the steps.

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