Quick, Amanda - Slightly Shady.txt

Quick, Amanda - Slightly Shady.txt by Slightly Shady Page A

Book: Quick, Amanda - Slightly Shady.txt by Slightly Shady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Slightly Shady
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Overhead the sky was leaden. With her luck this afternoon, the rain would no doubt start again before she got home. She crossed the street and hurried past the park. She hated to admit it, but Emeline had been right. Her niece had warned her that whoever lived at the residence in Hazelton Square was highly unlikely to admit to being a victim of blackmail and even less eager to employ a stranger to make discreet inquiries into the matter. She would have to come up with another scheme, Lavinia thought. She turned a corner and went along a narrow walk between two rows of town houses. There had to be a way of convincing Joan Dove to confide in her. She was certain the woman knew a great deal more than she had let on during the short interview. The shadows in the small passageway darkened abruptly A chill that had nothing to do with the impending rain shot down Lavinia's spine. She sensed the presence behind her. Perhaps it had been a mistake to take this shortcut. But she had used it on the way to Hazelton Square and there had been nothing the least bit ominous about the small walk. She stopped and turned quickly The large, looming figure of a man garbed in a heavy greatcoat blocked a good deal of what little light entered the tiny passage. "Imagine finding you here, Mrs. Lake." Tobias March came toward her. "I have been looking everywhere for you." She was still fuming a short time later when she swept into the small hall of the little house in Claremont Lane. Tobias March was right behind her. Mrs. Chilton appeared, drying her big, competent hands on the hem of her apron. "There ye are, ma'am. I was afraid ye wouldn't get home ahead of the rain." She eyed Tobias with unconcealed curiosity. I "Luckily, I made it without getting soaked to the skin." Lavinia stripped off her bonnet and gloves. "That is, however, the only piece of good fortune I have had today. As you can see, we have an uninvited guest, Mrs. Chilton. I suppose you had best prepare a tray and bring it into the study." "Aye, ma'arn." With a last, searching glance at Tobias, Mrs. Chilton turned to go down the hall to the stairs that descended into the kitchen. "Do not waste the fresh oolong I purchased last week," Lavinia called after her. "I'm sure we still have some of the old, less expensive tea left in the chest." "Your gracious hospitality is overwhelming," Tobias murmured. "My gracious hospitality is reserved for those who are invited into my home." She slung the bonnet onto a hook and turned away to stalk down the hall. "Not those who invite themselves." "Mr. March." Emeline leaned partway over the upstairs railing. "How lovely to see you again, Sir." Tobias looked up and smiled for the first time. "I assure you, the pleasure is mine, Miss Emeline." Emeline came lightly down the stairs. "Did you go to the address in Hazelton Square too? Is that where you met up with Lavinia?" "In a manner of speaking," Tobias said. "He followed me to Hazelton Square." Lavinia went through the doorway of the small study. "He was spying on me again, just as he did in Rome. it is really a most irritating habit." Tobias moved into the cozy room. "It would be an entirely unnecessary habit if you would simply keep me informed of your intentions." "Why on earth should I do any such thing?" He shrugged. "Because if you do not, I shall continue to follow you about London." "This is too much. Absolutely insupportable." She went quickly toward her desk and sat down behind it. "You have no right to intrude into my personal affairs, Sir." "Nevertheless, that is precisely what I intend to do." Tobias settled himself into the largest chair in the room without waiting to be asked. "At least until this affair of the diary is finished. I strongly suggest that you cooperate with me, Mrs. Lake. The sooner we combine forces, the sooner the matter will be brought to a satisfactory conclusion." "Mr. March has a point, Lavinia." Emeline walked into the study and took the one remaining chair. "It makes

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