Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor by Steven M. Gillon Page A

Book: Pearl Harbor by Steven M. Gillon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven M. Gillon
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    Rayburn, Sam
    and FDR’s war address
    Reilly, Mike
    and security changes
    Roberts, Owen
    Roosevelt, Eleanor
    childhood of
    during early years–marriage and family
    and FDR, public partnership between
    and FDR’s extramarital affair
    and FDR’s health issues
    and FDR’s war address
    and Murrow
    and Pearl Harbor, attack on
    radio messages of
    role of
    temperament of
    and trust fund
    Roosevelt, Elliott (son)
    Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
    administrative style of
    as assistant secretary of navy
    and cabinet war briefing
    and calmness/rage/deadly calm
    character of
    childhood of
    and cocaine, medical use of
    and Congress, war address to
    and congressional leaders, address to
    and deception
    education of
    extramarital affair of
    friendships of
    inner motives of
    and mother, relationship with
    and news, control of
    as own secretary of state
    photographs of
    and polio
    and polio, and character, new depth to
    and polio, and daily ritual
    and polio, and deception, propensity for
    and polio, and limited mobility
    and polio, and therapy
    and polio, and walking, method of ( see also Roosevelt, James: as FDR’s walking aide)
    and polio, and wheelchair, use of

    Roosevelt, Franklin Delano ( continued )
    and polio, physical burden of
    and racial prejudice
    radio messages of
    and sinus condition
    sons of, in military
    and surrogate wife
    temperament of
    and third term
    and trust fund
    as vice presidential nominee
    Roosevelt, Franklin Jr. (son)
    Roosevelt, James (father)
    Roosevelt, James (son)
    as FDR’s walking aide
    as marine
    and Pearl Harbor, attack on
    Roosevelt, John (son)
    Roosevelt, Sara (mother)
    death of
    Roosevelt, Theodore (cousin)
    Rosenberg, Alfred
    Rosenthal, Harold
    Rostrum, traveling speaking, and White House security
    Rumelt, Ruth Jane
    Rumor. See Misinformation and rumors
    and nonaggression pact

    Sabotage, fear of
    Safe houses, and White House security
    San Francisco Naval Station
    Sandburg, Carl
    Schulz, Lester
    Secret Service
    and presidential protection
    and weapons
    and White House security report
    See also White House security
    Security. See Secret Service
    Selective Service Act
    Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    Senate Joint Resolution
    September 11 attack
    Sevareid, Eric
    Sherwood, Robert
    and Japanese target, speculation about
    Shield, protective, and White House security
    Shih, Hu
    Short, Walter
    and misinformation and rumors
    and Pearl Harbor, as citadel
    Sinnott, Joe
    Smith, Alfred E.
    Smith, Merriman
    Soviet Union
    Spanish-American War
    Stalin, Joseph
    Stark, Harold “Betty,”
    and damage reports

    and FDR’s war address
    and fourteen-part Japanese message
    and Japanese invasion, fear of
    and Pearl Harbor, attack on, naval officials’ announcement of
    and warning message
    Starling, Edmund
    Steel exports
    Steel shield, and White House security
    Stimson, Henry
    and cabinet war briefing
    and China
    and congressional leaders, FDR’s address to
    and damage report
    and Japanese Americans
    and Japan’s target, speculation about
    and oil embargo
    and Pearl Harbor, attack on, naval officials’ announcement of
    as secretary of war
    Stimson Doctrine
    Supreme Court
    Surprise, element of
    and Philippines
    Swanson, Irving

    Taft, Robert
    Taft, William Howard
    Telephone, and reports of Pearl Harbor, attack on. See also News reports
    Television, and reports of Pearl Harbor, attack on. See also News reports
    Thomas, Elmer
    Thomas, Norman
    Tojo, Hideki
    Traveling speaking rostrum, and White House security
    Treasury Department
    and bomb shelter
    and Japanese Americans
    Tripartite Pact
    Trout, Robert
    Tugwell, Rexford Guy
    Tully, Grace
    and damage reports
    and FDR’s radio messages
    and Pearl Harbor, attack on, naval officials’ announcement of
    Turner, Kelly

    Underground tunnel, and White House security
    United Mine Workers strike
    United Press

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