Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor by Steven M. Gillon

Book: Pearl Harbor by Steven M. Gillon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven M. Gillon
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naval officials’ announcement of
    Konoye, Fumimaro
    Kota Bharu
    Krock, Arthur
    Kurusu, Saburo
    and peace talks

    LaGuardia, Fiorello
    Landon, Alf
    Latin America
    League of Nations
    LeHand, Marguerite “Missy,”
    Lend Lease proposal
    Lend-Lease Program
    Lewis, John L.
    Lincoln, Abraham
    Lindbergh, Charles
    Lindley, Ernest
    Lofgren, Robert
    Los Angeles Times
    Lovett, Robert Williamson

    MacArthur, Douglas
    and military failure
    MacLeish, Archibald
    Mahan, Alfred T.
    Mail and package room, and White House security
    Manila. See also Philippines
    Marshall, George
    as brigadier general
    as chief of staff
    and damage reports
    and FDR’s war address
    and military strategy
    and Philippines
    and warning message
    Marshall, John
    Martial law
    Martin, Joseph
    McCormack, John
    McIntire, Ross T.
    McIntyre, Marvin
    McNary, Charles
    Mein Kampf (Hitler)
    Mercer, Lucy
    Midway Islands
    Military, failure of
    Military intelligence
    and misinformation and rumors
    Military recruitment

    Military strategy
    of Hitler
    Misinformation and rumors
    and damage reports
    and press
    Moley, Raymond
    Monroe Doctrine
    Morgenthau, Henry
    and Japanese Americans
    and oil embargo
    and White House security
    Movie theaters
    Munson, Curtis B.
    Murray, Philip
    Murrow, Edward R.
    Mussolini, Benito
    and Pearl Harbor, attack on
    and U.S.

    Nagumo (admiral)
    Nanking, China
    National unity
    Navy (U.S.)
    expansion of
    inferiority of
    and Jews, persecution of
    Nesbitt, Henrietta
    Neutrality Act
    Neutrality legislation
    New Deal
    and Connally
    and Knox
    and Wilkie
    New York Times
    News, control of
    News reports. See also Newspapers; Press; Radio messages
    and self-censorship
    See also News reports
    Nomura, Kichisaburo
    Nonaggression pact
    Norris, George
    Nye, Gerald P.

    Oakland Tribune
    Office of Naval Intelligence
    Oil embargo
    and export license
    Oil fields, seizure of
    Oil imports
    Operation Barbarossa
    Organized labor
    Oval Study

    Pacific Fleet, relocation of
    Panama Canal
    Partisan differences
    Peace talks
    Pearl Harbor
    as citadel
    oil-storage facilities at
    shipyards at
    Pearl Harbor, attack on
    and America First Committee

    Pearl Harbor, attack on ( continued )
    blame for
    blame for, and failure of military
    blame for, and FDR
    casualties of
    and Churchill
    and congressional investigation
    and congressional leaders, FDR’s address to
    and conspiracy theories
    and counterattack
    damage to( see also Damage reports)
    and fact-finding commission
    and FDR’s cabinet war briefing
    first public response to
    and Germany
    and Hitler
    and Marshall’s warning message
    and military, failure of
    and misinformation and rumors
    and Mussolini
    and national unity, in U.S.
    naval officials’ announcement of
    news reports of (see also Damage reports; individual news sources)
    as opportunity to enter war
    and political divisions, dissolution of
    and public anxiety
    restoration and repair of
    and Roosevelt (Eleanor)
    and September 11 attack
    as strategic blunder
    Perkins, Frances
    Philadelphia Record
    and MacArthur
    and surprise, element of
    Physician. See White House physician
    Poindexter, Joseph B.
    Police officers. See also Secret Service
    Political divisions
    Power, centralization of
    Power plant, and White House security
    Presidency, changes to institution of
    Presidential election (1940)
    Presidential protection
    and alien residents
    See also White House security
    censorship of
    and FDR’s war address
    and misinformation and rumors
    and national unity
    and self-censorship
    and September 11 attack
    See also News reports
    Press secretary
    Prettyman, Arthur
    Public anxiety

    Public morale
    Public opinion
    and Hitler
    and Japan as little threat

    Racial prejudice
    and Japanese Americans
    Radio message(s)
    of Churchill
    of FDR
    first war
    of Roosevelt (Eleanor)
    See also News reports
    Rainbow Five

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