Pendelton Manor

Pendelton Manor by B. J. Wane

Book: Pendelton Manor by B. J. Wane Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. J. Wane
Tags: Erótica
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an ocean breeze scent.
    “Oh, that smells nice, but I can pay for it,” Sophie protested when they both insisted she take it as a welcome gift.
    “Nonsense,” Rachel said, waving away her objection with a bejeweled hand. “It’s our way of saying thanks for not hightailing it out of the manor when you saw how we liked our sex.”
    Her knowing look had Sophie gaping at her and turning crimson. “How did you know I saw you?” Getting caught this time was even more mortifying than when she had stood rooted in plain sight last week, watching Nora with the two guys. With Rachel, she had actually been hiding and spying on their threesome.
    Both women laughed, not in the least put out by her behavior. “Your reflection could be seen in the windows of the solarium,” Rachel answered. “Truthfully, I didn’t see you as I was face down and then facing away from the windows, but Ash was only too happy to let me know we had an audience.”
    “Yeah,” Nora added with a smirk, “if she had known she would have come so hard she probably would have fallen off Ash’s lap.”
    “Nah, he had too tight a hold of me. But it sure would have added to an already good scene.”
    Sophie was bemused and intrigued by their talk, the way they joked about the scenes she had viewed, making her wonder what all else they were into and she had been missing out on. “I’m sorry,” she couldn’t help saying. “Once again I was just so surprised I couldn’t seem to walk away. Was Adrian mad?” He hadn’t given anything away when she had spoken with him up in his room yesterday, then again the few times she had been around him this week, the only emotion she saw on his face was what was mirrored on hers every day, grief and guilt. She hoped they could only see her head, not enough of her to know she had gotten herself off while watching them.
    Rachel rolled her eyes. “Adrian doesn’t get mad. He showed his usual indifference to the happenings around him. If Nicole wasn’t gone, I’d be tempted to smack her for what she did to him.”
    Nora reached over and squeezed Rachel’s hand. “Sorry, Sophie, we don’t mean to air our dirty laundry in front of you. Nicole and I and Rachel had been best friends since middle school, and started hanging out with the Pendeltons and James in high school even though they were four years older than us. They went from being over protective male friends to lovers once we graduated. When Nicole and Adrian paired up and became exclusive, we were all happy for them, even though Rachel and I both knew Nicole was more interested in the Pendelton name and wealth than she was Adrian, or any other guy for that matter. By the time he figured that out, he had grown bitter and cold, nothing like he used to be.”
    “Oh, I’m sorry for your loss, and his,” Sophie said, not knowing how to respond to those revelations. She couldn’t picture Adrian smiling, being as amiable as his cousins or best friend just as she couldn’t imagine herself ever being as happy and optimistic as she was before losing Emily. “Despite their differences, he must have loved her very much as I’m sure you did. I need to get going and do the grocery shopping. I’ve got quite a list,” she said, wanting to change the uncomfortable subject. “Can you tell me where the nearest grocery is?”
    “Sure, but don’t plan anything for the guys tonight, it’s pizza night. I hope you’ll join us.”
    It was nice of Nora to invite her, but she wasn’t sure she could face Ash and Adrian so soon after learning they knew she was watching them the other day. “Maybe next time.”
    “Nonsense,” Rachel said brusquely. “You’re obviously okay with our lifestyle because you’re still here, so you’ll have to face everyone sooner or later. Best get it over with.”
    “Right, so, we’ll expect to see you tonight, around six or we’ll come drag you downstairs. I think the guys might like that little scene, so please don’t make us

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