Phantom Desires

Phantom Desires by Bianca D'Arc Page B

Book: Phantom Desires by Bianca D'Arc Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bianca D'Arc
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Adult, vampire
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as he winked up at her. She got the sense this man was seldom serious for long.
    “Knock it off, Moore. She’s mine.” Dmitri tucked her under one arm, drawing her away from the wolf-man’s hold on her hand. Luckily, he let go, leaving her firmly under Dmitri’s wing, so to speak. All in all, she felt far safer with her vampire lover than this jokester wolf-man.
    “Congratulations to you both.” Jason rose to his feet. “I hear it’s not often a vamp as old as you meets his One. I think I understand why you were so preoccupied that I was able to prowl right up to the house without you hearing me.” He gave her a bad boy smile, and she knew from his tone he was teasing her mate. “Of course, I saw through the window what had you so enthralled. Can’t say I blame you, poor devil.”
    Carly gasped, realizing he’d seen them¾
    It didn’t bear thinking about. If she did, she’d just die of embarrassment. Already she could feel a flush of heat rising to her cheeks, and she couldn’t look the man in the eye, focusing instead on his feet.
    “Go easy on my mortal bride, Jason,” Dmitri’s voice rumbled with power. “She’s had a hard time adjusting. She’s not used to my ways, much less your animal nature. In fact, until you shifted just now, she didn’t even know about your kind.”
    “No shit?” Jason’s curious gaze felt like a laser sight focused on her, but she refused to meet it. “But I thought you guys shared a brain or something when you found your mates?”
    “We do, but she’s having a hard time adjusting to that as well.” Carly could hear the frustration in Dmitri’s voice and it was the first time she got an inkling that he was less than satisfied with her desire to take things slow.

    She looked up at him, sorry that she was so afraid, but he tightened his arm reassuringly, smiling down at her. She felt the love through their small connection and warmed to it, allowing him to open the connection just a tiny bit more. She figured if they did it in small increments it wouldn’t be so jarring as that first flood of overwhelming information had been.
    “Well, ma’am. I’m Alpha of your friendly neighborhood wolf pack.” He made a little bow as Carly looked at him, embarrassment forgotten now.
    “Jason Moore, at your service.”
    “Carly Valandro,” she replied politely.
    “Soon to be Belakov. As soon as we can arrange it.” Dmitri tugged her closer and she felt warmed by his words and his embrace. Carly Belakov. She liked the sound of it.
    “I just came by to advise you we intend to hold a howl over in the woods by the far pasture at full moon. Some of the party might spill over into the pastureland, but I’ll do my best to keep my people in line. Just wanted to let you know we’ll be there, as per our agreement.”
    Dmitri seemed to relax just a fraction. “That’s fine. Though it’s Carly who legally owns the land now. You should really ask her.” He let her go a little, so she could stand more freely on her own. She got the sense that it was somehow important that she be seen as a person in her own right rather than a mere extension of him. She followed his lead. After all, he knew these…um…people, better than she did.
    “Ma’am?” Jason smiled at her and she nearly forgot the question.
    “If I didn’t know you were already mine, I’d be jealous.” Dmitri’s voice purred through her mind, but luckily she didn’t jump this time. Could it be she was starting to get used to his silent commentary?
    “What is he?”
    “ Were wolf.”
    “They actually exist? And here I thought vampires were bad enough.”
    “Bad? Get rid of the puppy, and I’ll take great pleasure in showing you just how bad I can be.”
    “Is that a promise?”
    “Send him on his way, and I’ll make it worth your while.”
    “As you can see, the pasture isn’t being used, so I have no objection. But thank you for asking. I think I would have been a little alarmed if I saw something and you

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