Phantom Desires
to hear you cry my name, my love.” His voice was a breathless whisper as he lifted his head away from her breast and trailed kisses up her chest until he could nuzzle into her neck. “You come so sweetly for me, Carly. Are you ready to come for me again, sweet?”
    “Anything, Dmitri. Anything for you.” She wanted to feel him inside her. She wanted his possession, his cock in her pussy. She wanted to feel him come apart in her arms and fill her with his come.
    “I know what you need, my mate. I will always know.” He drew back just far enough to look into her eyes as he withdrew his fingers from her wet pussy. His gaze held hers as he pushed forward with his hips—at the perfect level with her in the chair and him kneeling before it. These old chairs had possibilities indeed.
    He pressed inside and stilled, just at the entrance, the wide knob of his hard cock spreading her opening, so close and yet so far from the hard, fast, filling possession she craved. She tried to move down onto him, but he stilled her. Her eyes flashed to his.
    “So impatient, my love.” The deviltry in his gaze wasn’t lost on her but she really couldn’t appreciate his teasing ways at the moment. No, at that very moment she wanted nothing more than his cock fully inside her.
    He could hold her off physically. There was no question of that. But would he be able to hold off a mental assault? She could already feel the pathway between them widening as he lost control little by little. She felt his need, ruthlessly kept in check while he toyed with her. She felt his matching desire, his redundant restlessness, the urge to move, to conquer, to take. And she wanted to be taken.
    Daring greatly, she sought the knowledge to whisper into his mind.
    “Come to me, Dmitri. You know you want it as much as I do. Don’t make me suffer.”
    His eyes widened. “I thought you wanted more time to get used to this, vixen.”
    “I do. Just…” She stroked her hands over his hard shoulders as he eased his hold. She used him for leverage as she pushed herself onto his cock. “…not right now, Dmitri. Now I want everything you have to give. I want it all. With you.”
    He growled and took charge. She loved the way he mastered her body, the way he powered into her, making her clench around him with the slightest variation in tempo or pressure. He hit something deep within that made her insides respond like never before.
    And he watched. When she looked at him again, she saw his gaze was focused on the place where they were joined. She looked, struck by the sight of the longest, thickest cock she’d ever seen making itself at home inside her. It was a raunchy sight, a naughty vision and she understood why he watched. She felt his need for possession as deeply as she felt her own need to be possessed by this man. This vampire. This immortal lover who had so easily ruined her for anyone else.
    As she watched, his motion increased, as did the power of his strokes. She gripped his forearms and their eyes met and held.
    “Soon, beloved. Very soon.” He moved closer, his teeth already lengthened to sexy, sharp points.
    “Drink, Dmitri. Do it now, please!” she pled with him for the pleasure-pain of the bite that only days before had scared her spitless. Now she craved it as much as she craved him.
    He lost all control then. As his fangs pierced her flesh, the trickle in her mind became a flood and their thoughts merged, twining together as closely as their bodies. She absorbed a little more of him as he did her while their bodies reached for a climax higher than any that had come before.
    He drank even as he filled her both physically and mentally, and she loved every last minute of it.
    She screamed at last. A harsh, guttural sound of a female beast utterly devastated by her mate. He groaned as he came, licking at her flesh, sucking at her blood as his warm essence filled her womb with heat, pleasure and the manifestation of their love.
    Long moments later

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