Phoenix Rising

Phoenix Rising by Theo Fenraven Page B

Book: Phoenix Rising by Theo Fenraven Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theo Fenraven
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Gay, Fantasy
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concert got closer, Rachel asked, “Where do you want me?”
“Moving through the crowd, keeping an eye on things. Pay special attention to pretty gay men near the stage. He has to be making contact with them somehow.”
She nodded. “Right. They’ll be wearing signs that say, ‘I’m gay!’ You’ll be backstage?”
He smiled. “Pay attention to all the pretty men, and yup, that’s where I’ll be. Watching.”
They separated. Backstage, Talis was the first person Artemis saw. He was standing in the wings looking out at the people crowding the area, wearing makeup that accentuated his eyes and cheekbones. His blond hair was sprayed with something shiny, so it caught and reflected light when he turned his head. His pants were painted on, and they were cut to cup and lift his genitals, as if in offering. The taut material stretched tight across his firm buttocks. It was difficult for Artemis to look away.
Around them was a swirl of efficient activity as people performed final checks and moved last-minute items into place. There was a constant buzz of sound, but it wasn’t particularly noisy. These people knew what they were doing and were getting it done.
Artemis walked up to Talis. “Studying your audience?”
“Observing,” Talis said, glancing at Artemis. “I see Rachel out there doing the same thing.”
“You’re not nervous?” He could have been referring to the concert or to something else entirely.
“No. Should I be?”
Artemis’s question could be interpreted in more than one way, just as what Talis said could be assigned a different meaning.
“You killed them, didn’t you?” Jesus, did that just come out of my mouth? What the hell?
Talis’s expression didn’t change. He even smiled a little. “What do you think?”

Chapter Nine Artemis
For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else. —Ralph Waldo Emerson
IGHTENING his stomach muscles, Artemis leaned toward Talis. “I think you did it. I think you made love to those beautiful men and then killed them, but I don’t know how and I don’t know why.”
    Talis did something then that surprised the shit out of Artemis. He trailed a hand down the side of Artemis’s face. The touch was as light as butterfly wings, and yet it left searing heat behind. “You are the most beautiful of them all.”
    For a moment, Artemis was spellbound, caught by the lavender light in Talis’s eyes and the compelling scent he exuded, and then he came to himself and abruptly pulled away, stepping back. His cheek burned where Talis had touched him. “This isn’t happening.”
    “But it is. I knew it the moment we met.” Talis moved toward him. “Didn’t you?”
Artemis’s mouth filled with saliva, and he swallowed convulsively. “I felt nothing.”
Talis smiled. “Liar.” He placed a hand on Artemis’s chest. “You heart is beating very fast.”
He was right. Artemis’s heart was pounding, and it wasn’t due to fear. Artemis brushed his hand away and marched past him, head spinning. What was it about that man that put him off-balance?
Ammon approached, dressed in white linen, his black hair showing blue highlights in the backstage lighting. He gave Artemis a solemn look and brief nod. “Detective.”
Artemis inhaled, exerting tight control over his expression. “Is there somewhere I can be where I am out of the way?”
“Of course.” He glanced at Talis. “Ten minutes.”
Talis nodded and, without another look at Artemis, left, heading for his dressing room. Artemis followed Ammon to a spot where he could clearly see the stage and people-packed area out front.
“Thanks. This will do.”
“If you will excuse me… there are things I must see to.”
Once Ammon was out of sight, he was out of Artemis’s mind. Artemis watched as the band members strolled onstage, waving to the crowd. The audience cheered at length, and when Talis appeared, they went nuts, screaming and waving.

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