Phoenix Rising
softly. “I know, Mom. I’ll work on that, I really will.”
“Good.” She stood to fetch him more coffee.
His visit with her ended as it usually did, with him feeling slightly guilty about all the things he wasn’t doing to please her.
ACHEL was at the park when he arrived at 3:00 p.m., sitting on the edge of the stage, swinging her legs and looking around with excitement. Talis might be a murder suspect, but she was going to enjoy this, come hell or high water.
She greeted him with a grin. “How was Jan?”
“Getting married. Has there been any word about the DNA match?”
“Not yet. Married? Are congratulations in order?
    “Yeah. They’ll be happy, and I’ll be off the hook.” He handed her a backstage pass. “Give that to Steve. Where is he?”
    “Joining me later.” A stagehand went by, giving her a wink. “I flashed the badge and they were eager to make me welcome. I’m pretty sure Talis greased the wheels.”
    “All the better for us.” People were coming and going with purpose. The show would start in four hours. “Why are we here so early?”
    “So I can gawk at Talis?” She shrugged. “I had nothing else to do today. Laundry, cleaning….What’s that compared to hanging out with a world-famous rock group?”
    “Is he here?”
“Not yet. They expect him momentarily.”
He hopped up beside her. “Nice venue. I can’t remember
    the last time I was at SummerStage.”
“That’s because all we do is work our asses off.” “Mm.” He always meant to attend a concert, see a play,
    even drive out of the city to places with cows, but he never did. Lately his life seemed to be getting more and more diminished as the boundaries inevitably contracted. He’d been thinking a lot about the things he didn’t have and wanted.
    It was a beautiful day, sunny and clear with low humidity. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d noticed the weather as anything other than impedance to an investigation. Outside the concert area, people strolled, laughing, holding hands, enjoying the weekend. How long had it been since he’d really relaxed into a moment? He did it now, consciously letting his shoulders drop and feeling his spine curve as the tension eased.
    This year, he would take a vacation. He’d make himself do it, get away from everything for a week. The Bahamas in February sounded good. He’d go scuba diving, maybe parasailing. It always looked like fun when he saw it on TV.
    “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” he asked, leaning back on his hands and closing his eyes against the sun. The heat felt great.
    “Retired and living in France, but I doubt anyone else will see me that way. You?”
“I honestly haven’t thought about it.” Was being a cop all he had going for him? Again, he contemplated the lack of love in his life and wondered if he could turn it around, find someone special. “After the concert, you’re taking the weekend off. I don’t want to see your ass again until Monday.”
They both knew if something broke in the case, personal plans would be flung aside, but it was nice to think about having Sunday off.
Rachel said, “Are you okay? You seem, I don’t know, distracted lately. Unhappy even.”
He kept his eyes closed. “I’m happy. Mostly. Can I ask you something?”
“How long have you and Steve been together?”
“A few months. Why?”
He looked at her then. “Do you see it going somewhere? And if so, how will you fit that into your current schedule? We’re called out at all hours of the day and night. I’m never home, so I know you’re not, either.”
Her eyes widened. “Lunch with Mom certainly started you down an interesting line of thought.”
He persisted, revealing more than he ever had. “I couldn’t make it work with Richard. I loved him, I meant well, but the job took priority and he knew it.” Glancing away, he watched a smiling man buy a balloon for his small son, who was laughing with delight. “You

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