exhaustion and something else written on her face. Pain, maybe? The young woman had creases around her lids, her forehead scrunched, and her mouth a thin line. Some of Jensen’s nervousness disappeared, anger overpowering the lighter emotion. It frustrated him that he continued getting so mad about things he couldn’t change, but it was just wrong seeing her beauty marred by something he couldn’t fix.
The nurses situated the bed back in its original position, seeming to take forever, and all the while Drew never opened her eyes. Once her lines were reconnected, monitors connected and beeping again, the nurse situated her covers before nodding toward the men and leaving the room. Jensen shot a questioning glance to Dean, unsure of what to do. In any other situation he would have cleared his throat, maybe said her name, but none of that would help here. If he knew sign language, which he definitely didn’t, he could’ve said something, but even that, without her looking at him it would do little good. He momentarily entertained the idea of moving toward her bed, possibly placing a hand on her shoulder, but decided against it. The poor girl was hurt, her injuries beyond what he could even see, he knew, and, more than that, she’d been abused. It was his experience that victims of such despicable things were often … uncomfortable, with unfamiliar touching, regardless of the intentions behind them.
Come on, Drew, Open your eyes, beautiful girl, he mentally urged her, as if his words could will it to happen. See something bright when you wake for once.
Glancing at Dean once more, Jensen felt helpless and hated it. They could always just wait, hope for the chance that she would feel their presence, or, if it took that long, stay until she simply woke up. He knew himself though; he was on edge, nervous, excited, for her to see what they’d done for her. It wasn’t something he cared to think on, analyze in himself, but it was there, stirring his stomach until he felt almost sick with it. The more he thought about the feeling in his gut, the more frustrated he was getting.
Taking a step forward to leave, to say to hell with the whole thing, he was stopped by a simple movement, one single action. Drew stirred, then, finally, opened her eyes.
The sun has just risen for the first time ever , Jensen thought. A part of him wanted to leave the room as fast as he’d entered, escape before emotion could get the better of him. The other part of him, though, wanted to bask in the expression on the young girl’s face in front of him.
Jensen had known she was beautiful, could see it through the damage that had her in the hospital to begin with. There had been no pictures in the house when he’d been on the scene of the fire, he had no ‘normal’ images of her to go on, but still, he’d known. What he hadn’t been prepared for, though, was just how much a transformation it would be to see her smile.
Drew was more than just simply beautiful. No, when she opened her eyes, taking in everything of the room, and her lips had drawn up, the world had stopped for him. She was stunning, breathtaking. For him, it was like the whole Earth had stopped moving on its axis, changing the gravitational pull of the whole universe. You sound like a corny Hallmark movie, Officer Marks, his brain quipped. Fuck off. You know I’m right.
He couldn’t move and didn’t know what to do, a first for him. Instead, he stood rooted to the tile, unable to take his eyes off her. Dean stood beside him, both watching as her gaze slowly moved from balloon to balloon, flower bouquet to flower bouquet.
As her eyes moved to take the two of them in, water had filled her eyes, silent tears streaming down her face. Jensen’s chest tightened. This wasn’t right – she wasn’t supposed to cry. She was supposed to keep smiling, to feel happy and joy. Why the hell is she crying? Did I do something wrong?
A panicked look must’ve crossed his face
Katherine Ramsland
Kay Hooper
A.P. Matlock
Sara Walter Ellwood
Tom Lloyd
Robert Rigby
Sharon Waxman
Farrah Rochon
Perri O'Shaughnessy
Jim Northum