Pieces of You

Pieces of You by J F Elferdink Page A

Book: Pieces of You by J F Elferdink Read Free Book Online
Authors: J F Elferdink
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clingy nightshirt and used the self-timer to take some pictures. While modeling and thinking of him, something totally unforeseen occurred—my body flooded with sensual sensations. I couldn’t have told him about that! Having added a filter to blur the image, I attached the picture to my next email. The response was a rave review.
                             I love our conversations even more than his compliments. Even when our beliefs differ, he always conveys respect for my ideas and opinions. Through our sometimes intense discussions on controversial topics, I am learning to think more critically. Mark does not concede unless I prove my point of view; he is too conscientious for that. He supports his opinions and expects the same from me.
                             Mark is a man whose strength of character is clear and yet he’s not afraid to show a softer side, one that can accept a woman’s power along with her love.  He’s the closest I’ve ever found to my ideal.

    Feeling Bob’s touch, Mark‘s fists involuntarily moved to form a shield against the intrusion into his personal space.
    “I don’t understand how I can feel your touch, Bob. You’re not here in the way I knew you.”
    “I now live in a way that I can only describe as somewhat like reading a novel. You can flip through chapters and pick out characters at different points in the story or go back and reread any particular scene.” Bob went on.
    “In a well-written book, you can find yourself feeling like you have become one of the characters, yet your existence has not changed at all. The spiritual realm allows the same kind of adaptability and travel through time.  Does that help?”
    “Well, it makes a little more sense; it also brings up another question: I’m seeing you just as you looked in your early twenties; an exact replica of the photo your parents gave me. How do I look to you, Bob? Do you see the older or the younger me?”
    “Both simultaneously; I see you as you look in the hospital bed - you look ‘peaked’ as they used to say in my hometown.  On another level, I see you as a young naval officer, proud and ready to prove yourself in battle. It’s all there. I also see the inner you; the caring, courageous leader I grew to respect and love as a brother.” Bob continued:
    “What I also see, that you can’t, is the bio-magnetic energy connecting you to everyone your life has touched. Understanding its impact may help you decide your future.”
    “What in the world are you suggesting?” Where did you get the idea that I’m connected by energy to everyone I’ve ever touched? Come on, now!”
    “Mark; discoveries by biologists and physicists have already proven that energy therapies aren’t voodoo. They have measured magnetic fields in the space around human bodies.
    “ Why is it so hard to believe that the field around you and the fields around people near you make contact and cause changes where they touch?”
    Mark was adamant.
    “Well, how could that insight, true or otherwise, decide my future? What is there to decide?
    “ I’ve already decided. I want to be healthy again. I want to marry Janie and I want to be a doting grandfather when Martin’s child is born. ”
    “Mark, I’m here to help you make peace with your past, especially the searing moments burned into your soul and your senses, so that you can embrace what is to come.”
    “Well, I have to admit that I was bitter for a while after Vietnam and again for a period after my divorce. Then I redefined what was important in my life: raising my son and making money.
    “ Lately, I’ve begun to wonder if I missed out something important. Maybe I should’ve been more religious.”
    Bob’s reply was firm but kind.
    “Maybe you should let go of the guilt you’ve been carrying ever since the war. You suppress memories of what you call your

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