
Steamed by Desiree Holt, Allie Standifer

Book: Steamed by Desiree Holt, Allie Standifer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt, Allie Standifer
Tags: Romance
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silent communication. “What exactly is going on?”
    “I’m going to tell you what Grant should have told you himself,” Skyler said, “and explain why he ran the way he did. Kira, he’s not your typical love ’em and leave ’em jerk.”
    So he told her. About the heart attack at thirty-eight. The open-heart surgery.
    Having to step back from his company because of the stress factor, the long hours and demanding travel schedule.
    “My guess,” Kasey said after Kira pried the rest of the details out of her, “is he’s afraid. He wouldn’t let you see him naked because of the scar. Men can be just as vain as women, you know.” She sent a wink Sky’s way then continued. “He’s worried he might have another heart attack and die on top of you. He doesn’t want you to think he’s an invalid but he hasn’t figured out quite how to adjust his life yet, either.”
    “He was pretty miserable when he came by here earlier,” Skyler added.
    Kira stared at him stunned. “He came here?”
    “Uh-huh. And if ever I saw a guy in love, it’s Grant Havers. In love and scared to death,” he informed her casually, like they’d been discussing the chances of rain instead of the possibility of her future happiness.
    “So…he’s not an unemployed asshole?”
    Skyler laughed and sipped his coffee. “Maybe an asshole but he won’t be getting unemployment any time soon.”
    “I have to talk to him.” She turned to her sister. “Please. You have to tell me where he is.”
    Kasey gave her that no-bullshit look. “Are you sure he’s what you want?
    Regardless?” Her sister stepped closer to her. “The guy’s been through a lot this past year and as much as I love you, I don’t want him hurt either. Kira, you have to mean it if you go after him.”
    Maybe she hadn’t been before, but waking up this morning with Grant gone had clarified her feelings. She’d fallen in love with the sexy man. No way would she let a small thing like a scar keep them apart. Kira fought for what she wanted and what she wanted most was Grant. “Yes, yes, yes. Where is he?”
    “Okay. How well can you follow directions?”
    * * * * *
    Kira sighed and ran her fingers through Grant’s mussed hair. They were on the porch of the cabin owned by the Brody brothers, on the big double swing. Grant lying with his head in her lap. She had made him open his shirt earlier and now she reached down and traced his scar with the tip of a finger.
    “I can’t believe you didn’t think you could tell me about this. What kind of women did you hang around with, anyway?”
    He laughed, a soft rumbling sound. “Apparently the wrong kind.”
    “That’s why you’ve been so careful with sex, making sure you didn’t overdo.” She stroked his cheek. “Grant, what did your doctor tell you?”
    He sighed. “Both my doctors told me I could resume normal sexual activities.
    “But you didn’t believe them? You, what, thought you’d expire on top of me?”
    “Something like that.” He reached up for her hand and twined his fingers through hers. “It’s a scary thing, Kira. Believe me.”
    “Oh, I do,” she assured him. “But if Kasey and Skyler hadn’t given me the scoop, you wouldn’t have had to worry about another heart attack. After your disappearing act and that note I’d have killed you with the handiest instrument I could find.”
    He kissed her fingers. “I’m sorry. I’ll apologize for the rest of my life, if it will help.”
    “Groveling is always good. So.” She let out a slow breath. “What happens now?”
    Desiree Holt & Allie Standifer
    “I’d say that’s pretty much up to you. For myself, I want a stable relationship with a future. With you. And I need to start looking around for something to do besides counting my money.”
    Kira laughed. “I think there are plenty of options open to you.” Then she sobered.
    “Do you mean it? About us?”
    He sat up, swung his legs down and pulled her

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