Then Will The Great Ocean Wash Deep Above (Apollo Quartet)

Then Will The Great Ocean Wash Deep Above (Apollo Quartet) by Ian Sales

Book: Then Will The Great Ocean Wash Deep Above (Apollo Quartet) by Ian Sales Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Sales
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shadow she casts across the KH-4B’s curved side. She puts her hands to the spacecraft but there’s nothing to hold onto, she bobs at the end of her umbilical and she has no leverage to do anything but hang there. It’s a hard scrabble to explore the length of the spy satellite, to move herself around its circumference, and before long she’s panting and sweating and her arms are aching, and all the time she’s telling mission control what she’s doing.
    When she does find the right panel, she takes a screwdriver, specially designed to be used with spacesuit gloves, and tries to unscrew the panel’s fastenings. It’s not working. As soon as she attempts to twist the screwdriver, her legs swing out and she cannot apply any turning force. She considers using the screwdriver as a pick, jamming it through the thin aluminium side of the KH-4B, so it will hold her steady.
    Exhausted, she floats away from the spy satellite. Turning gently about, she finds herself gazing out at an ocean of stars. The KH-4B is forgotten, and she’s reminded of the hours she spent in a sensory deprivation tank back when she was paving the way for women to become astronauts, only then she lay in total darkness and absolute silence, she didn’t have this sea of light above her, these endless questions and instructions from mission control and B in her headset. She tells them she needs to rest, and her feet and hands are getting cold, but she’ll be fine in a minute, and she closes her eyes and relaxes, in her mind’s eye she can still see the Milky Way flowing across the sky. She is immersed in Creation, she lets it wash across and over and through her, and she knows this is not something she will ever give up.
    Recovered, she fires her zip gun to push her back to the spy satellite. She uses the screwdriver to lever up an edge of a panel, and that becomes a handhold, and a fulcrum, so she can turn the screwdriver. But even that doesn’t help, so she reluctantly admits defeat. She puts her booted feet against the spy satellite’s side and launches herself back toward the Apollo command module. As she floats past the golden cone capping the KH-4B, she spots motion and, as she watches, the recovery vehicle is ejected and falls away. Fortunately, the KH-4B is pointed away from the Apollo II spacecraft and the bucket arcs away and down a good forty feet from the command module.
    Steadman twists to watch it go and says, Was that supposed to happen?
    I don’t know, says Cobb.
    She watches the gold recovery vehicle dwindle and fall to Earth, and she knows it might as well be the Moon that’s falling away from them. Even if the rumours are not true about NASA selecting male astronauts, then the Apollo programme is likely to never get any higher than this, to go any further than this. The fighting is done but the war is not over, it will never really be over, and up here is not God’s own undiscovered country but just the generals’ high ground, it’s just the place that has the greatest view, a God-like view.
    And Jerrie Cobb, who wants to be the first human being to walk on the Moon, can feel her dreams receding even as the KH-4B Corona recovery vehicle shrinks to a dot against the azure sky and then vanishes.

    By the time they’ve lowered the shipping container into the water and the divers have oh-so-carefully transferred the film stacks into it, by the time they get the shipping container aboard the USS White Sands and into the giant refrigerator purposely built to hold everything at the same temperature as the ocean bottom, no one is all that confident there’s going to be much left that’s salvageable. McIntyre hopes whatever surveillance the spy satellite was doing isn’t too important, or maybe they have some other source of intelligence; because to him those film stacks don’t look like they’re going to be easy to get workable photographs off.
    Mooney crosses

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