Touching the Clouds

Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon

Book: Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Leon
Tags: FIC014000, FIC027050, FIC026000
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“Poor Mrs. Sullivan, she suffers so.”
    “She’s very nice.” Kate glanced out the front window. “I talked to Mr. Towns about taking time off today. I won’t be gone long.”
    “Oh yes, that’s right. He told me.” She looked around the store. “I’m certain we can manage with all the business we have at the moment.” She smiled, her blue eyes crinkling at the corners.
    “Thank you.” Butterflies took flight in Kate’s stomach. Today might be the day.
    Albert joined the women. He circled an arm around his wife’s small waist and tugged her in next to him. Turning his attention to Kate, he said, “We’ll be praying for you.”
    “Thank you.”
    Helen rested a hand on Kate’s arm. “You’ll do fine. Mr. Schaefer can’t help but like you.”
    “Not everyone is as nice as you two.” Kate clasped her hands in front of her, trying to wring out some of her tension. “I just hope he needs a pilot. And if he does, that he’ll hire a woman.”
    Figuring it would be better to face Mr. Schaefer in flight attire, Kate hurried to her room and changed into slacks and a tuck-in shirt. She sat down, pulled on boots, and laced them. After running a brush through her hair, she picked up her perfume and was about to dab some on, when she thought better of it. She skipped the lipstick as well, thinking natural was best.
    Pulling on her leather jacket, she headed toward the front of the store, trying to maintain an air of calm. She smiled at Helen, who was working at the front register.
    “Good luck,” Albert called, then returned to stocking a shelf with canned goods.
    Kate stepped outside. She’d decided to fly to the airstrip, so she headed toward Merrill Field. Nerves made her muscles tight, and every few steps she’d shake her arms, trying to loosen the tension. It didn’t help. She stopped and took a deep breath, closing her eyes. Lord, I need your help. Convince Mr. Schaefer to give me a chance.
    When Kate reached the airfield, she found George, the manager of Merrill Field, with his head inside an engine compartment.
    He looked up. “Hi. Haven’t seen you for a few days.”
    “I’ve been putting in a lot of hours at the store.” Leaning against the fuselage, she said, “I heard the airfield at Lake Spenard might need a pilot.”
    “Yeah? I’m not surprised. Understand Sidney’s doing pretty well over there.” He pulled a rag out of his back pocket and wiped his hands. “He seems like a good man. Hope he has something for you.”
    “I figured I’d take my plane.”
    “Good idea. It’s a fine aircraft. Wish I had a spot for you.”
    “Me too.” Kate didn’t know what else to say. She’d have preferred working for George. Momentary silence swelled until it became uncomfortable. “Well, I better get going.”
    “I’ll crank your plane for you.”
    “Nah. You’re busy. I can do it.”
    “Okay.” He picked up a wrench. “Let me know how it goes.”
    “I will.” Kate walked to her plane. For a moment, her desire to hurry nearly convinced her to skip the inspection, but she forced herself to take the time—better safe than sorry. Everything seemed fine, so she climbed in, pulled on her helmet, and then checked the gauges and oil. All was in good order.
    After priming the engine, she climbed out and moved to the side of the plane. Using the hand crank, she turned the flywheel until the sound became shrill. “That ought to do it,” she said, hurrying inside and pulling the starter. When the engine lit off, it sounded rough. Kate made an adjustment to the mixture and it evened out.
    She turned the plane toward the runway and rolled over bumpy ground until she was lined up on the field. Her nerves still spiking, she studied the windsock—it fluttered west to east. Skies were clear. If only today was the day . . .
    The Bellanca ran smoothly as Kate taxied to the end of the runway and took to the air. As always, exhilaration lifted her right along with the plane. For a few moments her

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