Plan B

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Book: Plan B by SJD Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: SJD Peterson
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further on my lap and discreetly pinched my thigh. Ow . Nope, I wasn’t dreaming.
    Lance held out a Styrofoam cup for me that I gratefully accepted. “Thanks.”
    He nodded then added several packets of sugar and cream to the other coffee before taking it and sitting on the edge of Bo’s bed. I watched him as he blew on the steaming brew before taking a small sip. I did the same with mine, needing the caffeine desperately. The strange dreamlike events from the night before, then waking to find Lance in my room—and with breakfast no less—had me a little frazzled. I’m not a morning person, never have been, but this particular morning I was struggling even more than normal to throw off the effects of sleep.
    “What time do you have class?”
    I glanced at the digital clock next to my bed— 7:05 AM —and groaned. I gave him an annoyed look. “Not until ten.”
    “Cool. I don’t have class until eleven. We can spend the morning together if you like.” He set his coffee down, grabbed the brown bag, and pulled out a muffin. “Blueberry?”
    “I’ve got chocolate chip, banana nut, and apple cinnamon.”
    I wanted to stay annoyed at Lance, maybe even throw a good temper tantrum since I hated to be woken up early, but my irritation couldn’t stand against the hopeful smile on Lance’s face. And, he did have breakfast.
    “Chocolate chip,” I said and held out my hand.
    Lance’s smile grew even wider. He rummaged in the bag, handed me a muffin, and dug into his. “So what do you want to do this morning?”
    I took a bite from my muffin, the chocolaty flavor delicious, and the rest of my irritation drained away. “I don’t know.” After another bite, I washed it down with coffee before continuing. “Not really time to do much. What about later today?”
    Lance stuffed the rest of his muffin in his mouth. “Can’t. I have a class at three then practice right after,” he said, although it was a little hard to understand him, since his mouth was so full. He grabbed another muffin out of the bag and peeled off the paper.
    To my shock, he shoved half of the muffin in his mouth. “How about a class on manners,” I said against the rim of my cup.
    “What was that?”
    My sleep-addled brain finally came back online and I realized I was sitting in my dorm at seven in the morning having breakfast with Lance. Talk about fucking slow! “Did you stay here all night?”
    Lance nodded and wiped a hand across his mouth. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was only going to rest my eyes before I headed back to get my car. Guess I fell asleep.”
    The memories of Lance standing over me, his touch…. I brought my hand to my mouth and touched my lips as the kiss flashed in my head. They were only dreams—or were they? I still wasn’t sure, but I was beginning to lean more toward the side of reality. I wasn’t going to ask him, just in case, but damn, the memories of it, whether real or not, made my stomach flutter.
    “You okay?”
    “I’m fine. Just not enough coffee yet.” I took another gulp.
    “You really aren’t a morning person, are you?”
    I shook my head.
    “Would you rather meet for lunch than do something now? I have time between my first and second class.”
    I’d always been one of those gabby kind of people. Hadn’t ever been bested in wit or sarcasm, but something about Lance, from the first time I’d met him, left me speechless most of the time. So instead of sounding too eager and telling him I’d call him, take a number, or I was having lunch with some hot stud, I just said, “Yes.”
    Lance downed the last of his coffee and threw the cup into the small wastebasket under the desk. He then stuffed his half-eaten muffin back into the bag and stood. “Say, twelve fifteen at the deli?”
    Again my wit shone and I responded with, “Yes.” Damn, I was on a roll.
    The speechlessness and off-kilter shit just heightened when he moved close and leaned over me. My breath caught as I

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