
Played by Natasha Stories Page A

Book: Played by Natasha Stories Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Stories
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Roll out before I pour this glass of
ice water on you."
    My eyes flew open to see that she indeed
had a glass of water poised to pour on me.
    "Okay, okay! Don't," I gasped. Rihanna
got off my bed and stood back, watching to make sure I got up.
    She might have been able to get me out of
bed, but nothing she did or said would make me give a graphic description of
the night I'd had with Justin. All I would say was 'amazing'. Finally,
frustrated, she gave up.
    "So will you get an A in the
class?" she asked.
    "Why does everyone assume I can't get
an A without sleeping with the professor?" I complained. "I was
already getting an A."
    "Well, this cinches it, doesn't
    "When will you see him again?" Rihanna
continued to pry.
    "Tomorrow morning, in class," I
said, smug with the knowledge that, while my answer was truthful, it wasn't
responsive. However, Justin hadn't said anything about next time. I assumed
he'd tell me at coffee in the morning.
    The following morning, however, I sat in
the Student Union with my coffee, waiting for him in vain. Alicia came by and
asked if she could join me.
    "Oh, hi Ali. Sure, why not?" I
said, brightening.
    "Where's your boyfriend?" she
    "Excuse me?" I responded.
    "Where's Prof. Mackey?" she
clarified. "Isn't he usually here with you for coffee? I never see you
anymore, except in class." Our friendship hadn’t advanced much, as we’d
discovered we didn’t have a great deal in common.
    "Oh, yes, sometimes he joins me."
The little white lie was for my benefit as much as it was for Justin’s. I
didn't know where he was, or why he wasn't there with me that morning, and I
wanted the whole thing to seem casual.
    Alicia let it go at that, but seemed to
examine my face more closely than just a casual glance. We went our separate
ways when it was time for the next class. I spent the rest of that day and the
next in an agony of indecision. Justin had my number, why didn't he call?
Should I call him? Rihanna wisely stopped pestering me by Tuesday. By that time,
I was mad. Wednesday morning, I dressed carefully to wow any male who took
notice, and stomped off to class.
    For the first half-hour, I'd raise my hand
for any question Justin asked of the classroom, regardless of whether I had a
prepared answer. He never called on me. I stopped doing it when I realized that
some of my classmates were throwing pitying glances my way, while others were
hiding smug smirks. After class, I went for coffee from sheer force of habit.
    A girl whose face was familiar but whose
name I didn't know slid into a chair across the table from me. I looked up to
see a face full of sympathy.
    "So, he nailed you and dumped you,
too," she said. My stomach did a flip.
    "What are you talking about?" I
asked, knowing all too well what she meant, but unwilling to admit I'd been a
    "Oh, come off it. It's his pattern. We
all know it, but we all hope we'll be the one to change him. He's a hot lover,
isn't he?"
    I got up and left without another word. Let
her think what she wanted; I wasn't going to confirm or deny, as they said of
    On Friday, the same game played itself out,
without my participation, as I didn't raise my hand for the questions. If
Justin had just wanted to 'nail' me and then dump me, I wasn't going to
humiliate myself by begging.
    Rihanna, however, was beside herself. It
took her all week to notice I was more subdued, but when she did, she was
relentless in ferreting out the reason. Friday night I finally broke down and
told her Justin had been ignoring me all week, without any explanation. She was
    "That motherfucker! Want me to cut off
his balls for you, hon?"
    I couldn't help but laugh. That's exactly
what I wanted to do, not let my friend fight my battles for me.
    "Don't worry about it, Ri. It isn't as
if you didn’t warn me, and I did get a night of amazing sex out of it. So it
was a one-night stand, so what?"
    "You used protection, right?"
    "I think so."
    "You think? "

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