
Played by Natasha Stories

Book: Played by Natasha Stories Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Stories
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against my sensitive lips. For a few
minutes, I reveled in those sensations, the thick ridge between the tip and the
rest of it, the veins that interrupted the smooth surface of the shaft.
    His unique scent, heavy on the male musk
and only lightly smelling of his woodsy cologne, wafted past my nostrils and
undid me. With a moan, I wrapped my tongue around him and drew him into my
mouth, eliciting an answering moan from Justin. His hands guided my head to
pull back and then dip again to take him all in. Justin's fingers on the skin
just next to my lips drew my eyes to his as I took him all in again.
    "That's good, baby. Suck, now." I
obeyed and was rewarded with his quick intake of breath before he pulled all
the way out of my mouth and bent down to kiss me deeply once more. Then he
again repositioned us, this time with me on my back and him crouching between
my spread legs. I heard a ripping sound and then he fumbled between his legs
for a moment before leaning forward to kiss me again.
    "Pull them up, baby," he said,
placing my hands on my own legs, the fingers curled under my knees. I pulled
up, spreading my knees wide for him, as he fell into me.
    I only became aware of how ready I was when
he thrust in with no further preparation, sliding in with little resistance,
assisted by my slick juices. I felt myself carried away, as if a giant bird had
swooped down, picked me up, and swooped back into the air. The earth dropped
away and I was suspended in a cocoon of pleasure so intense that I wondered if
I'd died and this was heaven.

    Rihanna was deeply asleep when I got back
to the dorm in the wee hours of the morning. Grateful that I wouldn't have to
face an inquisition, I went to bed myself, hugging my excitement and joy to
myself. The peace wouldn't last long, though. I'd been asleep only a few hours
when my bed shook as Rihanna pounced on me.
    "Where the hell were you,
girlfriend?" she shrieked.
    "Oof, get off," I said.
    "No. You worried hell out of me. I
deserve an answer. You couldn't leave a note? I thought you'd been
kidnapped." Rihanna’s indignant tirade got through to me at last and I
opened my eyes fully.
    "Sorry, Ri. I had a date that came up
suddenly. You weren't home."
    "What part of 'leave a note' did you
not understand? Jesus, I'd have let you know if I was going on a hot date, so
you wouldn't have to stay awake all night wondering if I was safe or being
raped and murdered."
    "I'm sorry," I said again. She
was right; I should have left a note.
    "So who was it? Anybody I know?" Rihanna
asked, mollified by my apology.
    "I don't think so," I hedged.
    " I don't think so. Girl, don't
make me beat it out of you. What. Is. His. Name?"
    "Um, Justin," I said, unable to
think of a lie on no more sleep than I'd had.
    "Omigod! You did NOT sleep with
your professor!"
    I did my best to turn over, though she was
straddling me, and put my pillow over my head.
    "Shit, Janey, what did I tell you? So
now what? Are you guys a couple? Tell me it was a one-night stand and I'll let
you up."
    I pulled the pillow off my head and twisted
back to face her, a big grin on my face.
    "God, I hope not! It was
    Rihanna scrambled off my bed and stood in
the middle of the room, pointing at me with a shaking finger.
    "No good will come of this. Mark my
words," she said, her dark tones making me giggle.
    "Since when have you been reading Victorian
novels?" I asked.
    "Fuck you, I'm not speaking to
you," she said, flipping me off.
    "Okay. Can I go back to sleep,
then?" I knew she'd come around eventually, but I was too exhausted to
fight about it, especially when she kept making me laugh and that made her even
    "Fine. Whatever," was her parting
    Too soon, my bed bounced again as Rihanna
jumped on it to wake me.
    "Ri, what the hell?" I
    "Wake up! It's noon and I'm
    "Well, go get something to eat. I'm
    "No, you're not. You're coming with me
and you're going to give me every detail.

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