shut a pair of well-worn sneakers jammed between them, shaking the old elevatorand bouncing the doors back open. Those sneakers led to a pair of faded jeans slung low on the hips. The jeans led to a very familiar tight waist, thick chest, and broad shoulders. Erin gulped.
Oh God, it couldn’t be.
Her eyes locked with his.
Oh God, it was.
Awareness flared through her as he stepped inside. His presence swallowed up the small space.
Desire flickered across his face as his gaze fixed on her with intent. His bad-boy grin curled her toes.
“Going down?”
She didn’t miss the double entendre. His words sent a tingle along her nerve endings, sparking a pool of moisture to dampen the silky curls at the apex between her legs.
She took a moment to consider her situation. Here she was alone in an elevator with a gorgeous guy who oozed sexuality and sent waves of passion ripping through her. A guy who’d made it perfectly clear that he liked getting intimate in public places. A guy who wasn’t looking for more than she could give. Her pulse kicked up a notch. A guy who didn’t know she was all talk and no action. She had two choices, really. One, she could slip from the elevator and bolt, or two, she could slip out of her panties and put her money where her mouth was. Her gaze drifted downward to examine the massive bulge in his jeans. Or rather, his cock where her mouth was.
When she looked at it that way, it really narrowed down her choices.
He ran his fingers through his hair, his jaw flexed. He edged toward her. “Well?” he asked in a gentle yet commanding voice. She felt the rush of his warm breath over her cheeks and shivered in delight.
Perhaps she should have casual sex with him. That might help get him out of her system and put her focus back on her career where it belonged, especially if she wanted a shot at advancement. Surely if she tried hard enough she could engage in a frivolous affair and keep her heart out of the arrangement.
She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Oh yeah, she was going down all right. Faster than a hockey player without his protective cup.
Lust. Need. And something else. Something intense and urgent whipped through Kale’s blood as he leaned against the mirrored wall and perused the exquisite woman before him.
With her hair tied back, she was dressed in a dark turtleneck sweater that framed her flawless skin and heart-shaped face. A black, knee-length skirt flared around her legs. Her winter coat was draped over her arm. He was absolutely floored by her beauty.
His hungry eyes moved over her lush mouth, sexy curves, and shapely legs. He wondered if she wore thigh-high stockings or pantyhose beneath that silky skirt. He scrubbed his hand over his jaw as his fingers itched with the desire to discover all her sexy little secrets.
He crossed one leg over the other and drove his fists deep into his pockets. As he watched her, heat gravitated south, his thickening cock indicating his needs and desires. He’d made it clear to her at the reception how much he wanted her. Now he was waiting for her to come to him. It was time to let her step into the role she so desperately wanted to experiment with. And when she did, she would see that there was a greater force at work here. This wasn’t just about physical desire.
Still somewhat guarded, Erin took a small, tentative step toward him and opened her mouth to speak. He focused his attention back on her plump lips. Before she had a chance to talk, someone entering the lobby yelled for them to hold the doors.
Kale shifted his stance and poised his hand inches from the glowing “open doors” button. His eyes locked with Erin’s, waiting for her to make the next move.
“What do you think, Erin, should we hold the elevator?” he asked, leaving the ball in her court, giving her the opportunity to play out her part and call the shots.
Something in her expression changed. Her face tightened warily. Her voice wobbled.
Pauline Fisk
Garth Nix
Guy Stanton III
D.W. Jackson
Tiffany Reisz
Gordon Rothwell
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Sophie Barnes
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Teresa Trent