Pleasure Prolonged

Pleasure Prolonged by Cathryn Fox Page B

Book: Pleasure Prolonged by Cathryn Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Fox
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“What if we get caught?” She tensed and eased backward.
    He leaned forward and propped his hand on the mirror behind her, caging her in. “What if we don’t?”
    Her dark eyes were full of want as she mulled that over for a second.
    He knew she wanted this. Hell, he did too. So much that he felt dizzy. But he also understood her reluctance to get intimate at her workplace. They both had their careers to consider.
    “No one will see us, Erin,” he assured her. “With Christmas only five days away, most of the staff has already left for their holidays. We practically have the whole building to ourselves.” He tossed her a wicked grin as his gaze raked over her body. When he reached out and brushed his thumb over her mouth, he watched her unease segue to desire.
    Mouth parted slightly, she drew a shaky breath and nodded toward the “close doors” button. Her beautiful brown eyes turned one shade darker as her sensuous lips thinned provocatively.
    He had no idea he’d been holding his breath until he let out a rush of air. Kale stepped back, jabbed the “close doors” button, and then let his hand drop to his side. A thrill coiled through him as the heavy steel doors slammed shut, leaving them all alone in the slow, antiquated, dimly lit elevator.
    As the elevator began an unhurried ascent, she dropped her coat onto the floor and moved toward him. He didn’t want to wait another second to hold her in his arms. With a predatory advance, he was on her in seconds. His hands touched her all over, stroking, caressing, pulling and pushing, yet he still couldn’t get enough.
    She felt so damn incredible in his arms. Like it was where she was always meant to be. Her scent closed over him like heavy fog on a rainy day. His blood pressure soared as his heart beat in a mad rush. Fuck, he wanted her so bad, his body shook. He was shocked by the intensity of his need for her.
    Her breathless voice washed across his face as she spoke. “I thought you could show me.”
    Sweet Jesus, please let them be on the same wavelength here. His heart thudded with hope. “Show you what?” he asked, brushing his thumb over her pink cheek.
    Her long lashes flickered. Turbulent emotions brewed in the depths of her eyes. She thrust her pelvis forward, urging him on. “Show me the kinds of casual things you do behind the closed doors of an elevator.”
    He groaned and drew her tighter into the circle of his arms, his hands splaying over the small of her back. Casual. There was that word again.
    Even though they’d known each other for only a short while, Kale knew there was more than casual between them. And he had fourteen floors to show her. He stole a glance at the number pad. Make that thirteen.
    Thirteen floors.
    Although it was not nearly enough time to kiss her, touch her, and leave her wanting more, he’d have to make do.
    His fingers tangled through her hair as he angled his head closer. Yanking gently, he forced her chin up and her mouth open. She made a sexy noise, prompting him into action.
    He cupped her face, surfed his tongue over her full, fleshy lips, and then drew them in for a more thorough exploration. Fuck, she tasted like she’d been coated in honey and dipped in sugar.
    “Mmm…” he moaned and sucked harder, loving the way her mouth moved under his. Her deep purr vibrated through his body. Ah, now he knew. She purred.
    The first touch of her mouth and ravenous swipe of hertongue triggered an onslaught of emotions. As his chest tightened, it threw him off balance. Lord, he’d never dealt with these kinds of powerful feelings before.
    Twelve floors.
    Widening his stance, he captured her thigh between his and squeezed. His cock pulsed inside his tightening jeans. He sank deeper into her mouth and luxuriated in the enticing combination of flavored coffee and minty toothpaste. He felt her body liquefy against his.
    “You taste so good, Erin.”
    “You too,” she murmured between heated kisses, her eager hands

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