Pole Position

Pole Position by H. M. Montes

Book: Pole Position by H. M. Montes Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. M. Montes
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and throwing shit out of my room, demanding they tell her where I’m at and who I’m with.  I’m so sorry I really wanted to spend more time with you.” He told me as we walked to the dorm building, once inside the building his cell phone rang again but he ignored it. 
    We stood in front of my door , “Thank you for supper, this was a nice date.” I told him with a smile.  He gave me a smile then leaned down and kissed me on the lips, bringing his hands up he cupped my face and deepened the kiss.  He pushed me against the door as our tongues circled each other’s.  His cell phone ringing again broke our kiss, with his forehead resting against mine he pulled his phone out.
    “What?” he said through gritted teeth, then kissed my lips again.  “She’s WHAT?” he practically yelled then stepped away from me.  “Okay, I’ll be there in a minute.” He said then hung up.  He bent down and kissed me hard again, “She is now setting some of my clothes on fire in the front yard.  So I have to go get her under control.” He said. 
    I laughed, actually laughed , “Oh my god she really is psycho isn’t she?” I asked. 
    “You have no idea.” He grumbled, then kissed me again , “I’ll call you tomorrow maybe we can go out to the back to school party at the bar.” He said.  I nodded my head as he turned and walked away.
    When I got inside, I stripped down and put on my yoga pants and a t-shirt.  It was too late to call my mom back, so I decided I would watch TV for a little bit and wait for Asher to get home.  I text to see if she was actually going to stay the night at our dorm tonight, she text me back and told me that I needed to get dressed so we could go to the mall to find something to wear tomorrow night.   Before I could even reply she was walking in the dorm room,
    “Get up let’s go shopping.”
    “Uhm it’s like ten thirty at night I’m sure the mall is closed.”
    “Nope they stay open until one in the morning, so let’s go.” She said as she walked over to me and pulled me off the couch.  I slipped my flip flops on, pulled my hair into a pony tail, and followed her out the door. 
    She turned to me, ” We have to take your car, mine has a flat tire”.  I turned around went back in the room and got my car keys, she held her hand out, I laughed “Uh no.” was all I said. 
    “ Gawd, you’re so mean when it comes to that car, you’ve never let me drive it.” She whined and pouted.
    “YEP, it’s my baby and nobody else can drive it.” I said with a smile. 
    On the way to the mall she grabbed my cell phone ;
    “Hey! What are you doing? Put my phone back!” I yelled at her.
    “Nope, I want to see what you and Jet have been saying.” She said as she scrolled through to find his text.  She read the last one from him about how Lance and I were giving each other the “fuck me eyes”, and started laughing.  “He’s got it bad for you Chass.” She said then typed something out and sent  a text. 
    “WHAT DID YOU JUST TYPE?  I swear to god I will pull this car over and push you out, at a slow speed!” I told her almost yelling. 
    She read what she had sent to him , *Jealous much?  Maybe if you weren’t such a damn pussy you would be getting the goods that he’s getting!* I slammed on the breaks and pulled onto the shoulder of the road, I tried to grab my phone from her but she shoved it down her shirt. 
    “Damn it Asher Lynn give me my fucking phone!” I said then heard it go off with a new text.  She pulled it out of her shirt and read his text, *You really expect me to think you’re actually giving him anything besides a severe case of blue balls?* By this point I had given up getting my phone back and pulled back on to the road. 
    “My god he’s cocky, I have to think of a good come back for that reply.” She said while tapping her bottom lip. 
    “Asher PLEASE don’t tell him I’m a virgin or anybody for that matter, I really don’t want the

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