Popcorn Love
“Work. He is a friend of
my assistant. She suggested him.”
    “Fire her,” Elena joked.
    “Momma! We’re not moving!”
    Elena glanced in the rearview mirror to see her son
squirming in his seat. “I know, munchkin,” she said. “Just one more
    “Vivian.” She turned her attention back to her phone
conversation. “I will have to call you back. I’ve just gotten Lucas
in the car, and we are headed to the museum.”
    “Which one?” Vivian asked. “I have no plans for
today. I could meet you there.”
    “The American Museum of Natural History.” Elena
started the car.
    “I take it Lucas wants to see the dinosaurs
    “Of course,” Elena said. “Call me when you arrive,
and Lucas and I will meet you.”
    Elena glanced in her rearview mirror to find Lucas
looking right back at her. His eyes were narrowed, and Elena
couldn’t help but let out a loud bark of laughter.
    “Okay, okay, we’re going,” she told him, and his
expression morphed into a smile.
    * * *
    Allison spread the small blanket out atop the grass,
plopped down on top of it and pulled out her current reading
material from her backpack— Invisible Monsters by Chuck
Palahniuk. She had always enjoyed his minimalistic writing style,
and Allison had nothing but love for any author who didn’t shy away
from the ugly details and horrors of life.
    Sticking her backpack under her head to use it as a
pillow, she lay back and sucked in a deep breath, letting the smell
of the Central Park breeze tickle in her nose. It was nice to get
out of the dorms from time to time.
    It was a gorgeous Sunday morning, and Allison wiggled
around until she was comfortable, thinking about the night before.
Elena Vega was like a puzzle—complex and intriguing. She was far
from the typical rich girl who cherished money and material things
above all else, and Allison wondered what more she might learn of
the woman as she began to put all of the pieces together— if she was able to spend more time with her.
    Tucking her bookmark into the back cover of her book,
Allison began to read. She only managed a few pages, however,
before she was suddenly and unexpectedly tackled. She yelped as a
small body barreled into her, and Allison struggled for a moment to
get away before recognizing her tiny attacker.
    “Lucas?” she managed to choke out despite the boy
having knocked the wind out of her. He giggled and nodded as a
shadow cast over them both. Allison raised a hand to shield her
eyes as she looked up to see the glowing form of Elena Vega.
    Allison felt a gentle stirring in her stomach as she
looked up at Elena and watched a bright smile spread across the
woman’s face.
    “I’m terribly sorry, Ms—Allison,” Elena said. “He saw
you and took off before I could stop him.”
    Allison pushed herself into a sitting position with
Lucas in her lap and patted his back. “No, it’s totally cool.”
    “Hey little man. I missed you,” she said, tickling
Lucas’s belly. She then looked up at Elena and softly added,
    “Good morning, dear. Quite the coincidence running
into you today.”
    “Wanna see dinosaurs?” Lucas squeaked as if he had
just had the most brilliant idea of his young life.
    “Uh….” Allison didn’t have a clue what Lucas was
talking about.
    “I am taking him to the museum,” Elena said. “He
loves the fossil exhibits.”
    “Oh right. Gotcha. I like that place too.”
    “Come see!” Lucas pleaded as he bounced on her thigh
and squeezed her hand.
    “Oh, Lucas,” Elena said. “I’m sure Allison is rather
busy with her own Sunday plans.”
    “Nah, I’m good actually.” Allison bounced her knee
with Lucas atop it. “I’d love to see the dinosaurs with you guys. I
mean, unless you don’t want me to come, which is totally cool. I
wouldn’t take offense or anything. I can understand wanting to
spend time with your kid, just the two of you.”
    Lucas had apparently chosen to hear only the
beginning of her

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