Poppy's Passions

Poppy's Passions by Stephanie Beck Page A

Book: Poppy's Passions by Stephanie Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Beck
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ever known joy it was long gone, replaced by structure, rules and his stringent set of proprieties.
    What they proposed wasn't something she was familiar with, but what did she know about family? Really. What made one better than the other or more right than another?
    "I want a home and a family.” The whispered admission was from her heart, but not an easy one to make.
    "You've got one now, pretty baby,” Trevor promised, squeezing her close. “No more worries about this thing, okay? I swear to God, Cody doesn't do anything for me. You've probably heard I like blondes, and that's what is confusing you. Michael may be blond but ug, old guys don't count."
    "Yeah, right, and you're horrible you know,” she said with a weak laugh.
    "I'm always right, babe. It's good you've figured that out so soon.” Trevor chuckled.
    Silence stretched between them for a long minute, while she processed not only their proposition but what it could mean. Three men, one woman, her as that woman. It could be wonderful, she already knew that, but there had to be a down side. Something too good to be true in the equation.
    "Would there be other men? Other women?” she asked in a little voice. There were so many questions she had to ask but wasn't ready for the answers. An idea was growing of what she wanted, but she couldn't allow herself to be shocked if they were picturing something else.
    "Would you want that?” Michael asked calmly, raising a hand as Cody and Trevor immediately protested.
    It was rare when she couldn't tell what people wanted to hear and looking into Michael's eyes she didn't know what he expected her to say. The past few days had been eye opening, especially where Michael was concerned. She knew he genuinely wanted her opinion free of pressure, which was why he'd shut the other two up.
    "I wouldn't want others.” The bottom lip between her teeth was sore from her nervous habit, but if they were going to embark on this fantastic plan, she needed them to be honest, which meant she had to do the same.
    "Thank fucking God,” Trevor blurted. “I might have tried for like a second to deal with it, but the thought of another dick in bed with us? No way. And another woman is just begging for trouble. Remember how those two chicks started fighting in Phoenix? Everything was nice and then, bam, crazy."
    "I think we've got the right number,” Cody agreed, and she was relieved Trevor was once again ignored, because she didn't want to hear anything more about their past conquests, crazy or not. “The three of us have spent the last few years looking for a woman to love for the rest of our lives, together, individually, and not just for sex. We want this visit to turn into you staying with us. We're willing to help you find a job you like, a place closer if you don't want to stay with us. We're going to support you whether it's helping with a new career or making sure you can stay at home with the babies."
    "I vote for the last one,” Trevor added. She could not imagine what would prompt his preference, and it must have showed in her expression because he continued. “Hell yeah, if you stay home with the twins then you'll probably breastfeed, and I'll get to watch. No other assholes in the mix though, babe, please. I can share you with my brothers because they are my brothers and we're doing this for the right reasons. Any other jack off and I'll end up kicking ass and taking names."
    "That's...that's almost sweet,” she replied and laughed at the pure outrageousness of his words. “Okay, we'll do this. The four of us will find a way to make this trip work and if it does we'll see what happens."
    "That's all we can ask,” Cody allowed, but she could see how pleased he was with her tentative agreement. “If you're willing, darlin', we'll make you the happiest woman in the country."
    With every promise she felt herself being pulled deeper and deeper into whatever it was she was feeling for the men around her. It wasn't love,

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