Poppy's Passions

Poppy's Passions by Stephanie Beck Page B

Book: Poppy's Passions by Stephanie Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Beck
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Cody was right when he said they weren't there yet, but it was something. Affection, not so subtle, was definitely there. Respect, growing every day, was also present. When she leaned in to Trevor's side again it was where she wanted to be and there was no doubt in her mind she was welcome.
    The seatbelt light turned red. “Buckle up, beautiful,” Michael said. “We'll be in Missoula in a few minutes. My truck is waiting in long term parking, so we should be on the road soon. Cody, you're driving this time and shut it, Trevor. I call backseat with Poppy. You two assholes are hogging her."
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Chapter 6
    Between flirting and getting to know each other, Cody had mentioned the ranch was in Montana, but once the plane landed Poppy realized she hadn't known exactly what that meant. She'd seen mountain ranges on TV and in books, but they didn't do reality justice. Located in the western part of the state, surrounded by the Garnett Mountain Range, the area was nearly enclosed by mountains shooting up on all sides.
    Everything was supposed to be bigger in Texas, but Montana did big well too. The greatness in size wasn't the only thing that caught her attention. The trees were equally astounding, like a giant Christmas tree farm all around. The early November air was chilly and smelled amazingly different from Texas, where for months at a time, dust was the main fragrance.
    Like at any airport, security was a pain but thanks to their small flight size they passed through much more quickly than in San Antonio. Michael and Trevor kept her occupied in the gift shop for twenty minutes while Cody got the truck ready. She'd never had to wait for a vehicle to be warm enough to drive.
    She thought it was silly and indulgent, at least until she stepped outside and got her first feel of Montana. Mentally she took back all her eye rolls and scoffs as she hurried to the truck where the heater was blowing. When Michael sat beside her, she buckled in and did her best to crawl beneath his skin even though the cab was warm.
    The landscape changed as they drove out of the city. The trees and mountains, unfettered by manmade buildings and highways, offered a whole new definition of beauty. Texas didn't come close to the grandness of the Paraby's home state.
    Cody was especially prideful as he explained his Montana and how he and Paul focused on cattle ranching and conservation. She realized they had more in common than she thought when he talked about leaving the ranch to go to agriculture management school. He hadn't enjoyed school, she could tell from the way he talked, but he'd used it as a means to an end, and the end was the land.
    She loved that he was so animated and in tune with what he did and envied him his passion. He spoke of the land with such affection she couldn't help but be excited to see it. Trevor and Michael didn't have the same love for ranching but they added to Cody's monologue as they rode. She'd never been hunting, fishing, or even hiking much but she had a feeling she would be trying it all before long.
    Driving up the goat trail leading to their home, Poppy envied Cody's ease behind the wheel of Michael's huge truck. The graveled grade was steep and though it was wide, at times it became impossibly windy. The hairpin turns had her grabbing Michael and holding tight, even as Cody drove with expert care.
    The snow was bright white, reflecting the sun in a lit path between the trees. Growing up and spending almost her entire life in southern Texas, she was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the mountains and trees, the snow, by almost every single thing. While the cold air felt foreign and frigid, she still found herself intrigued by the differences from the world she knew.
    "We'll cut a Christmas tree off that hill,” Michael said, and she turned to where he pointed to rows of huge pines. “That's only eight weeks away. Can you take pregnant women on snowmobiles?"
    "Poppy?” Cody asked.

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