Portals Of Time

Portals Of Time by J. Lee Coulter

Book: Portals Of Time by J. Lee Coulter Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Lee Coulter
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Why has she nae awakened? Why did she nae sense the danger? Did she forget the warning sign or was she nae warned? He rubbed his neck absently as he mulled over these thoughts.
    Arianna moaned as her eyes fluttered open.
    “Lucian!” she cried out in panic.
    He grasped her fl a iling hand to his chest to comfort her.
    “I be right here lass,” he murmured. “Are ye hurt? I could nae find anything broken.”
    She tested her limbs carefully and found no problems.
    “I...I think I’m okay.” Her eyes widened in panic as she recalled what had happened. “Shalizar!”
    “Shhh...hush mo cridhe, he is being tended. Do nae fash yourself over him. ” He crushed her to him as his heart thrummed in his chest. “Come...we must return ta the keep.”
    Glancing toward the steed lying on the ground he did not hold out much hope. The beast lay too still.
    “Lachlan. Hand m e wife ta me once I mount then see that m e orders are carried out.”
    “Aye, m’laird. It will be as ye wish.”
    Lachlan was watching his laird and lady ride off toward the keep when a loud thrashing behind him caught his attention.
    “Well, I’ll be!”
    Moving toward him at a hobbling trot was Shalizar, blood running down his leg at a slow trickle. Seeing that he was going to follow his mistress home, he ordered the men to mount up.
    Ian came up beside him giving him a lopsided grin.
    “Is that a horse or a dog, Sir Lachlan?”
    He shook his head then laughed. “I tell ye true, laddie, I do nae ken.”

    “Ye found naught?” he roared. Frustration ate at him as he ran his hand through his black locks. “Nae mount? Nae tracks?”
    “Nay, m’laird. Whoever did this must have traversed the trees. I can think of nae other way.” Lachlan shook his blonde head. He felt the earl’s frustration. He had been a bear to live with since the incident three days past.
    Lucian sighed in resignation. There was nothing else that could be done.
    “Very well. How is the Arab faring?”
    “He heals quickly but I would nae think him fit for riding for several fortnights...perhaps two moons? He is a fighter, I will give him that.”
    “Aye. He was blessed that the bolt only struck muscle. I will pass on the good tidings ta your mistress. Thank ye, Lachlan.”
    The captain gave a curt bow and took his leave.
    A short time later Arianna entered his solar on Dugal’s arm. She noted how tired he looked as he stared out the window, deep in thought. He had hardly slept at all since the attack. Without turning, he spoke to her.
    “Ye should be resting, Anna. Ye are nae yet healed.”
    “Other than a little stiffness, I feel fine. I’m on my way to visit Shalizar and wondered if you’d like to come with me.”
    He turned slowly.
    “ Aye, I will come, but y e must promise me that ye will let me ken if ye tire.”
    “I promise.”
    A short time later they stood before the Arab’s stall. He whinney’d a greeting to his mistress as he limped over to receive her loving strokes.
    “How are you, my pet?” she cooed as he nibbled her sleeve. She held out an apple to him. “Are you looking for this?”
    He nodded his ebony head in agreement before gently snatching it from her hand. She giggled. Arianna inspected his wound while he devoured the treat, gasping at how near it had come to his lung. Her eyes darted to her husband.
    “Aye. It was close, mo cridhe.”
    “Who would do such a thing?”
    Lucian weighed his response to her in his mind then decided to be truthful.
    “He was nae the target. The first bolt flew past your head. Did ye nae see it?”
    She shook her head. “I thought I heard something but dismissed it as the wind.”
    “I saw it. Tis why I tried so hard ta reach ye. Did nae your neck burn...warning ye of danger?”
    “No. Maybe it only burns when my mate is in danger.”
    He nodded. “Aye. That must be true for mine was afire.”
    She stroked Shalizar’s graceful neck as he nuzzled her arm. “Will he be alright?”
    “Aye. I believe so.

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