Primal Elements

Primal Elements by Christine D'Abo Page A

Book: Primal Elements by Christine D'Abo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine D'Abo
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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    Jenna looked up and smiled, “Are you kidding? There’s enough food here to feed me for a week. I don’t think I could eat anything else. Not unless I want to skip dessert.”
    “Matt loves cooking almost as much as driving his car.”
    “Well, if he’s still single I have a friend who I think would hit it off with him,” Jenna paused and sat back in her chair. “What’s wrong?”
    Shit. “Nothing at all. Why?”
    “When I asked if he was single you cringed.”
    Try to deny it? This was Jenna after all. A quick glance at the concern on her face and he figured she wouldn’t buy a lie anyway. Instead he made a mental note to keep better control over his emotions.
    “I don’t know if you knew this, but Matt and I grew up together. Some of my past girlfriends tried to get me to be more like him.” He watched for a reaction, but when she didn’t move he added, “There’s a pattern.”
    For a moment he thought she was going to laugh off the observation as other women had in the past. But Jenna silently sat there, wide-eyed and looking more than a little confused. Not used to this reaction, Ben picked up his fork and speared the meaty inside of a mussel.
    “I know you’re full, but you should try some. It took us a long time to simulate an artificial environment for these little fellows to grow.”
    He relaxed again when she gave her head a shake, picked up her fork and mimicked his technique. She got it as far as her lips before she stopped and looked at him with a rather serious expression.
    “I’m sorry,” she said in a voice little above a whisper.
    “You don’t like shellfish?” He knew damn well what she was apologizing for, but couldn’t resist teasing her.

    A smile played on her lips for a brief second before she opened them to eat the morsel.
    “Oh my.”
    Ben was unexpectedly pleased with her reaction. “I’m glad you like it.”
    “And I’m sorry that I…bothered you with my comment,” she said and followed the comment with a sip of her champagne.
    She gently sat her glass down and patted the table lightly with her hand before she pushed away and made her way towards him. Her dress was back into place after their unexpected lovemaking and a light swishing sound filled the room as she made her way towards him. He enjoyed watching her. Hell, he would be content to do nothing but watch her move around the apartment for hours. Shifting in his seat, he tried to accommodate his growing cock. Who was he kidding, he wouldn’t last hours. Minutes maybe.
    This was different from when they’d met seven years ago. Back then she was one more thing he’d wanted to control. One more person who stood in his way to the top. If it hadn’t been for the attempt made on his life he would still be that man. And Jenna wouldn’t be sauntering over to him right now.
    Once she reached his side, she leaned over and placed a kiss on his temple. He could hear the pounding of her heart and caught the scent of her arousal. Good, at least I’m not the only one affected. Gently, he wrapped his fingers around her wrist and tugged.
    “Yes, Mr. Hawthorn?”
    “Have a seat, Miss Robins.”
    Without protest, Jenna slipped onto his lap. Her hands found their way to his chest, an area she seemed to have particular affection for. They looked for five minutes for the lost button she’d sent flying to no avail. Right now, he was thrilled with the fact she had free access.
    Jenna chewed her bottom lip for a moment, before she leaned in and placed a light kiss on his lips.
    “Thanks for supper. This has been a wonderful evening.”
    That didn’t sound quite right. “Getting ready to leave?”
    Jenna suddenly found a spot on his chest very interesting. “Well, it’s getting late.
    I’m sure you have things to get ready for.”
    Ben took a second before he answered. He reached into his pants pocket and slowly pulled out a silk black scarf. Without a word, he draped it around her neck and then lightly

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