Prime Deliverance (Katieran Prime Series (Book Five))

Prime Deliverance (Katieran Prime Series (Book Five)) by KD Jones

Book: Prime Deliverance (Katieran Prime Series (Book Five)) by KD Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: KD Jones
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Cassie found them when she came to check on them.
    “What the hell!” Cassie yelled at the three women. “Jaxon, what did you do?”
    “Noth…not…ing,” Jaxon’s words came out slurred and only one eye opened to stare at Cassie.
    “Why do I see two of Cassie?” AriELa asked.
    “Oh God. Did you have to get AriELa drunk, too? Her aunt and cousins are going to be pissed at me over this.”
    “I’m not a young!” AriELa yelled. She winced because it made her head hurt.
    “What?” Cassie was confused.
    AriELa couldn’t find her words. Her tongue felt heavy in her mouth. Jaxon answered for her, “Ever…one tinks her a kid, specly Tar…AK.”
    AriELa cringed. She didn’t realize she had talked about TarAK that much. Her cheeks blushed. What must they think of her?
    Cassie gave her an inquisitive look. Then she hit the Comm Link and called for assistance. Unfortunately, she called for TarAK. Kitasa!
    Forty-five minutes later her two cousins, KydEL and SydEL, showed up. KydEL picked up Jaxon to take her to her room, SydEL did the same with Kat. KydEL offered to come back for AriELa.
    At that moment TarAK came walking into the living room. “No need,” he said as he picked up AriELa from the floor.
    “Why are you here?” KydEL questioned him.
    “I called him to help me,” Cassie explained.
    TarAK glared down at the inebriated AriELa. What was the female thinking? “Your aunt is going to be angry seeing you like this when I take you back to her suite.”
    AriELa shook her head. “I’m not going back. I live here now.”
    “What?” all three men asked at the same time.
    “The inquisition can take place tomorrow, when they are sober. Right now they need to go to bed and sleep this off. You can put AriELa in my old room,” Cassie told them.
    All AriELa’s foggy mind could think about was how good it felt to be in TarAK’s arms. She leaned her head against his chest and took in his scent. Even as out of it as she was, she still wanted him, ached for him.
    He laid her gently on her bed and then stood back up. He wasn’t sure what to do. Undress her? Leave her in her clothes? He worried that if he tried to undress her and saw her bare skin, he might be tempted to touch her. That would not be appropriate while she was not lucid. He turned to leave.
    “Don’t go,” AriELa called out softly.
    TarAK stopped and turned back around. Her eyes were closed. Maybe he just heard her voice as wishful thinking. “Did you say something?”
    AriELa nodded her head. “Stay…please.”
    TarAK knew it was a bad idea. What was he thinking? That foul Earth drink should be banned from Katiera. This was a mistake. He should have left, but how could he refuse her?
    TarAK sat in the chair he pulled up next to AriELa’s bed. He watched over her while she slept. Even though he was tired from not getting any sleep himself, it had been one of the most peaceful nights he had had in a long time. He didn’t understand it. Being around her calmed him somehow.
    He reached over to gently caress her beautiful face. She was simply the loveliest female he had ever seen. She was like a goddess, too good for the likes of mere mortals. Even as a child she was gifted with adorable features and a sweet temperament. How could any male resist her? How could he resist her?
    His thumb brushed over her soft lips. Those sweet lips haunted him. One kiss was not enough. He wanted more. But she wasn’t meant for him. He knew he needed to leave before she woke. She wouldn’t appreciate him being there when she was in a vulnerable state. She was prideful. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly.
    AriELa must be dreaming again. A male’s lips were on hers and there was only one male that she dreamed of, TarAK. She reached up a hand to curve around the back of his head to hold him in place. She opened her mouth to him. His tongue slowly but firmly invaded her. It felt so real. She moaned around his tongue. More, she wanted more.
    She pulled him

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