Prince of Luster

Prince of Luster by Candace Sams

Book: Prince of Luster by Candace Sams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Sams
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forward. “And why is that, merchant?”
    “Because you’ll have to kill me first. And I don’t intend to die today. And certainly not at the hands of an oversized snail.”
    The slugs behind Prometheus growled in anger.
    Nova instinctively winced, but she couldn’t leave. The man standing up to the slug leader deserved to be heard. He deserved to have his final hour witnessed and remembered.
    Prometheus glanced over his shoulder at his companions. “Finally, a human that’s worthy of a warrior’s death.” He turned his head back toward the tall human before him and studied the man carefully. “I think there’s a better way to deal with you. Something that will make a lasting impression.” He motioned to one of his compatriots. “Codge … come forward. It would amuse me to watch this puny human fight before we kill him.”
    “I hear and obey my leader.”
    The slug known as Codge walked in front of Prometheus, hissed loudly at the rebel in their midst, and drew out a long sword from a sheath at his side.
    Prometheus drew one of his own swords, from among several he carried, and tossed it to the human.
    As on all worlds these days, swords of all kinds were ancient weapons Limaxians carried, along with more modern side arms. Their presence struck fear in the hearts of any adversaries. It was one thing to see someone cut down with a tekion phaser. That was quick, painless, and virtually bloodless. But it was quite another to see someone beheaded. There were few sights more hideous or fearful to a crowd that an enemy wished to keep subservient. And everyone who’d witnessed such an event never forgot it. Nova had seen it too often and knew firsthand.
    “Let’s see what you’re made of, gem merchant. Let’s see if you can fight a Limaxian brawler with the same courage you boast. Fight well, and I’ll kill you quickly. Fight poorly, and you’ll die shrieking in agony.”
    The brave man took a fighting stance, took off his cape, and tossed it aside.
    Nova still couldn’t see the stranger’s face clearly. The retreating crowd was so dense that their retreat forced her to reverse with them. But the one feature she made out were the striking green eyes of the lone human facing Codge. They were as bright as new blades of grass or buds on a tree. And even from that distance, she could see the firm set of his strong jaw, and the long black hair that flowed straight down his broad back and shoulders.
    She prayed that this courageous stranger would live. That he would somehow survive what was to come. “Please, don’t let him die,” she whispered.
    The brave man lifted his sword, glared at Codge, and readied himself.
    Prometheus sat on a nearby metal cargo box and raised his hand. “Take him, Codge.”
    Codge growled, immediately faced the human before him, and brought his sword up.
    The weapon the human fighter had been given was meant for a man twice his weight. But there was room on the hilt for two hands. He balanced himself but maintained a light stance, probably so he could move quickly.
    Nova put one hand to her mouth as she watched the fight unfold.
    Codge lunged at his quarry and swung high. The man she immediately dubbed
Green Eyes
instead of just
the brave man
ducked and moved to the slug’s left.
    Codge faced Green Eyes again and thrust forward with his entire weight.
    Nova saw Green Eyes parry the sword aside and strike low. The tip of his blade nicked Codge’s stomach. A gray blotch appeared on the fighting slug’s brown shirtfront just above his enormous buckle. There was an overwhelming stench of rotting meat, and Nova knew the human had scored a minor victory.
    Codge looked down at his small wound and emitted a howl of anger. Just as she was sure Green Eyes intended, the alien lunged at him blindly several times. The human dodged or parried the blows away from his body.
    Nova heard a murmur from the crowd, and someone shouted out a cry on behalf of the human defender. Other people rallied and

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