Prison Throne
are so cool.”
    “Of course,” he whispered kissing her chin. “You’re dealing with a king amongst kings.”
    She giggled. “Come on, Ras. Fuck me.” She was getting hornier with each flip of her clit and was willing to go the extra mile. Especially since Chance and Brooklyn had their strumpets with their hands on the dryers as they pounded them from the back.
    Within seconds, the smell of detergent was washed away and replaced with the scent of young girls who didn’t know how to wash their pussies properly. The odor teetered the line between a couple bushels of crabs and a block of brie cheese.
    Rasim couldn’t see the girl’s face but he could feel her passion. “We can do that later,” he said as he moved in for another kiss and started playing with her box that, quite frankly, was getting a little dry.
    Queen wasn’t about the foreplay shit. Straight up, she wanted to fuck.
    “Rasim, stop playing,” she whispered in his face. “I know you got a condom.”
    “I don’t.”
    “Go get one from Brooklyn then. I heard him tell Nicky that he had a whole bag under his bunk.”
    Rasim exhaled and said, “Aight. I’ll be back.”
    When he left he thought about what Queen wanted to do. The way she threw her kitty around the group home had him concerned about feeding the cat. Not only that but after awhile the laundry room smelled like Trash Pussy Soup.
    But, there was something else on his mind too.
    Away from Queen, Rasim crept into his room that was full of sleeping boys and brushed his teeth. He didn’t like the way she tasted in his mouth. It wasn’t nasty. It just wasn’t right. Instead of looking for condoms, he tiptoed down the dark hallway toward Snow’s room.
    When he made it to her dorm’s door, he walked past it once and then again. He knew he couldn’t knock because nine other girls shared the room with her, minus the one who was getting banged out in the laundry room by Chance.
    Feeling stupid, he was about to turn around when Snow opened the door, walked out into the hallway and leaned up against the wall. She looked down at the floor with her arms crossed over her chest. Unlike Queen with her tight fitting clothing, Snow was wearing baggy gray sweats, her favorite attire.
    How did she know he was there?
    Her stance resembled a child who was bored and desired to play and it made Rasim want to protect her. He never felt that way about anyone in his young life.
    Instead of saying anything to her, he decided to play the mute game with Snow. He grabbed her by the hand and led her to another room in the group home. The fact that Ms. Brush Face could come out at any time and deport his ass out of the facility excited Rasim even more.
    When they made it to the small, dark conference room that was used for lawyer visits, Rasim pushed a table in front of the door. It wouldn’t stop Ms. Brush Face from breaking the bitch down if she was so inclined but it would buy him a few seconds.
    With his barrier in place, he turned around and looked at Snow. There was just enough luminosity streaming in through the windows across the way due to the lights outside of the property. Slowly he walked toward her and gazed into her sparkling hazel eyes.
    He was fully expecting her to remain silent as usual but instead she whispered, “I love you.”
    Rasim was blown away.
    Snow didn’t speak much but when she did she spoke levels.
    “I know,” he responded.
    Forever socially awkward, she asked, “Can I do anything for you?”
    He smiled. “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want.”
    “I think you’re perfect,” she admitted looking down at the floor again. “In my eyes, you’re Superman.” This time she stared into his eyes.
    Rasim’s heart beat wildly. Damn, this chick was for him. He was too young to feel like a grown ass man, yet Snow did that for him. “What did I do to earn a tag like that, Snow?”
    “Whenever I’m around you, you make me feel stronger,” she

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