
Prisoner by Megan Derr

Book: Prisoner by Megan Derr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Derr
Tags: General Fiction
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anything about Krian religion? "
    " They worship the seasons, " Iah said after a moment of thought. " I've heard 'Winter Princess' before, along with 'Spring Prince,' but that's all I know. "
    " The Autumn Prince presides over death. After the dying of all things in autumn, the Winter Princess brings a time of slumber for the living to mourn and heal until the Spring Prince coaxes Winter from her sadness, and she once again brings warmth as the Summer Princess. "
    " I see, " Iah said, though it was obvious from his tone he did not see at all.
    Sol laughed. " All you really need to know is that anything bad can be laid at the feet of Autumn and Winter. All good things are attributed to Spring and Summer. Technically they're the gods and goddesses of the various seasons. I don't think even the Krians know why they call them 'Prince' and 'Princess'—I would almost say it is out of affection." Iah smiled briefly. " The most common epithet you'll hear is— "
    "Tits of the Winter Princess!" Iah said, and the Krian rolled easily off his tongue that time. He laughed. " That phrase I know—my men were rather fond of it. I'm afraid their image of a winter princess is probably not very Krian. I suppose it is rather more fun to say than, 'Goddess curse you!' "
    It surprised Sol when he laughed again. He smiled across the table at Iah then remembered that Iah could not see him. Sol felt a familiar pang, and for a moment he saw, not Iah, but his sister. Ariana had given up on living after she lost her vision, alive only in the barest sense when she at last died.
    Not that he could blame her.
    He watched Iah eat, the way his confidence grew with every successful effort. Strange to have a companion when he was used to working alone. Fitting that the companion was Illussor. When this journey concluded, he would well and truly find an end in Illussor. The closest he would ever have to home. If he did not die killing Tawn first.
    " You still have not said anything about my Krian name. " Iah smiled ruefully. " It's strange. I recognized your name, and indeed I would recognize a number of Salharans, but the only Krian I know by name is General von Adolwulf. " He stumbled over the name, the sing-song syllables of his native Illussor clashing with the harder Krian.
    Sol snorted in amusement. " That is because when General von Adolwulf is around, it is hard to notice anything else. The Scarlet Wolf— " He leaned back in his seat, tapping his spoon against the table as he thought. " I wonder if he is still alive. Tawn voiced doubts; it was a Scream after all. "
    " If anyone could survive a Scream, it would be the Wolf of Kria. "
    " At least we know the Breaker survived. "
    Iah nodded. He smiled a moment later. " You are still avoiding the matter of giving me a name. As I said before, I would pick one, but my knowledge of Krian names is limited to the Wolf. I think people might notice a resemblance. "
    " Yes, perhaps. " Sol managed a laugh then fell silent.
    " Is it really so hard a thing? To pick a name? "
    " A weak name will result in a weak person. "
    " Ridiculous. " Iah reached carefully for his wine glass, fingertips knocking into it enough to jar, but not quite spill. He held it in both hands and sipped slowly. " A man is weak or not; his name does not decide that. "
    " I do not want to pick a name that does not suit. "
    " It will suit. "
    " Why are you so eager to take up a new name? "
    Iah touched the bandages covering his empty sockets. " Perhaps because I no longer feel like myself. It would be nice to be someone else for a little while. "
    " Erhard, " Sol said it heavily, as if it meant something. " Erhard Grau. My cousin, whom I have brought with me after a hunting accident cost him his vision. That will also account for why you may falter and speak slowly—or occasionally not at all. "
    " Erhard, " Iah repeated. He said it a few more times, growing comfortable with the syllables. " And you are Lord Grau? "
    " Alban Grau, " Sol said. "

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