Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red

Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red by Catt Ford Page A

Book: Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red by Catt Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catt Ford
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gleam in her eyes that I had her hooked. There was nothing she liked better than the challenge of a difficult research job. “Only a thousand places she might have danced in Vegas, but I’ll see what I can find. There are a couple of magazines that might have something. The street guide will give me her address, and that will tell you something about how she lived.”
    “You’re wasted in your job, you know.”
    Charlie could look really pretty when she smiled, and she smiled at that. “Sometimes you know how to pay a pretty compliment. But I don’t come cheap.”
    The five large Lily McIntyre had given me was burning a hole in my pocket, so I said rather grandly, “You never do, but I’m flush this time. Name your price.”
    “There’s a new Jane Austen collection coming out next year,” Charlie said hopefully.
    “Knew you were a closet romantic,” I teased, and I ducked when she reached for the empty film canister, pretending she was going to throw it at me. I knew I was safe though. As if she’d damage library property.

    Lily White, Rose Red: Grey Randall, Private Dick Casefile #1

    “Jane Austen writes about sensible women with superior brains and morals—and they aren’t always pretty! ”
    “But you are. See you, Charlie. Gotta see a man about a girl.” I went closer and dropped a kiss on her cheek.
    “Since when are you interested in girls?”
    “I like you, don’t I?”
    “You like getting me to do your research for you.” But she was pleased, I could tell by the glow.

    IT WAS a short drive up Mesquite to the police station. I parked on the street and went up the front steps into the lobby, where a middle-aged desk sergeant labeled Thomas sat behind the cage.
    “I’m here to see Officer Reggie Harding,” I announced airily, galloping by him to the door that led to the offices behind.
    “Hey, hang on! Who the hell are you?”
    “Grey Randall. It’s okay, I know the way.” I waved my hand at the desk sergeant and breezed through the door before he could get up.
    I saw him reaching for the phone, but I figured once I got to the photo lab, I’d be home free. It was dark in there, and they’d never spot me.
    It was just my bad luck that when I turned the corner I ran right into a big man who practically filled the hallway. He was handsome and genial, brave and stalwart. Captain Woods liked himself so much that other folks thought there had to be something in it and liked him too.
    Big Billy Woods came by his name honestly. He was at least six foot five, towering over me. His wavy, black hair was on the longish side for a cop, but he didn’t bother with the uniform except at press conferences. Today he had on a stylish navy blue suit that had obviously been tailored to fit. His face was open and friendly, his lips were curled into a smile, and I suppose some might have called him handsome.



    In stark contrast was a wizened gnome in uniform, Sgt. Bert Guthrie, who was almost always to be found a few paces behind the captain. He sneered at me under Captain Woods’s arm. He was a few inches shorter than me, which put him under periscope depth for the captain.
    Sergeant Thomas plunged through the door after me and skidded to halt when he saw the Captain, saluting instinctively. “Sir, I just—”
    “I’ll take care of it, Sergeant, back to your post.” Sergeant Thomas nodded and backed away.
    Captain Woods gave me the once-over. “Reporter?”
    “Nope.” I grinned up at him. “I’m a big fan of Lieutenant Steele’s. I just came to visit, maybe share a gab over old times.” I tried to edge around the captain. If he was busy, maybe he wouldn’t have time to deal with me, but Guthrie seemed like he was going to give it the old college try, shifting to block my way. “I know the way,” I assured them.
    “I’m sure Lieutenant Steele will be happy to see you. I’ll show you to his office,” Woods said. He waved his hand, indicating that I should take the

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