Private Dicks

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Book: Private Dicks by Katie Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Allen
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followed, stopping
when Rhodes stopped.
    “Let’s go,” Rhodes ordered, giving the other man a sharp
smack on one ass cheek. Trevor jumped, his startled expression so hungry that
Rhodes’ stomach clenched in an unexpected surge of lust. Catching Rhodes’ hand,
Trevor pulled him around the end of the bar and through a door. Once the door
swung shut behind them, they were alone in a dimly lit hallway. With the music
muffled, their breathing sounded loud.
    Catching Trevor by both arms, Rhodes shoved him up against
the wall and kicked his feet wide.
    “Spread ’em,” he growled.
    Trevor gasped. “You a cop?” he asked, sounding more eager
than worried.
    “Used to be,” Rhodes told him, using only one hand to pin
both of Trevor’s wrists against the wall above his head. “Why? That turn you
    “Yeah,” Trevor admitted, dropping his gaze shyly. “Kinda
    “Yeah?” Rhodes found the bulge of Trevor’s cock with his
free hand and squeezed. “How ’bout when a cop does this?”
    “Holy fuck!” Trevor choked out, twisting his hips into
Rhodes’ grip.
    Dropping his head toward the other man’s mouth, Rhodes
hesitated. “I shouldn’t be worried about my…friend, should I?”
    “What?” Trevor sounded confused, his eyes fixed on Rhodes’
    “Your boss—is he some sick fuck who’ll hurt my friend?”
    Trevor’s eyes shot to the side and he bit his bottom lip.
“If I say maybe, are you going to stop?”
    Jerking back a few inches, Rhodes stared at the bouncer. “Do
I need to pull him out now?”
    Trevor shook his head vehemently. “Ness won’t do anything in
there with people around. Just don’t let your friend go home with him.”
    Rhodes released the hard cock pressing against his palm so
that he could run a gentle thumb down Trevor’s cheek. “Have some personal
experience with that?” he asked quietly.
    Although he shook his head again, Trevor wouldn’t meet his
eyes. “Naw. I’m not his type. I’ve just heard things.”
    Touching his lips to the corner of Trevor’s mouth, Rhodes
felt more than heard the other man’s sigh.
    “Good,” Rhodes murmured between light kisses along Trevor’s
jaw. “I wouldn’t want you to be hurt.” With that, he found Trevor’s mouth.
    Taking his time, Rhodes explored the contours of the other
man’s lips, the smooth, hard surface of his teeth, the slick, strong tongue,
enjoying the kiss despite the fact that Trevor didn’t taste quite as good as
Wash. The thought brought a flash of irritation and Rhodes kissed the bouncer
harder, trying to banish the memory of how Wash’s skin had felt beneath his
    Trevor was trembling under the kiss, adding to Rhodes’
guilt. Here was a gorgeous, sweet, gay man, shaking from his touch, and
Rhodes had to pine for his all-too-straight partner.
    With a frustrated groan, Rhodes pulled back, releasing the
other man’s wrists. Obviously confused by the withdrawal, Trevor stared at him
with lust-dazed eyes as his arms fell back to his sides.
    “When’s your break over?” Rhodes asked, trying to cover the
real reason he’d stopped. The all-too-stupid reason named Wash. When the words
penetrated, the bouncer glanced at his watch.
    “Shit!” Trevor yelped. “Gotta go!”
    Rhodes stepped back to let him by but the bouncer hesitated
and turned.
    “Can I…maybe call you or something?” he mumbled, his eyes
dropping to the floor between them.
    Cupping the other man’s jaw, Rhodes leaned in for a quick,
hard kiss. As his lips left Trevor’s, he slipped a business card into the
bouncer’s pants pocket, using the opportunity for a final brush of his finger
against Trevor’s fabric-guarded cock.
    “I’d like that,” Rhodes told him, pulling away reluctantly.
Trevor was no Wash but he was definitely cute, especially those eyes, so blue
and so shy after the veneer of cockiness was stripped away.
    Trevor grinned. “Good. Okay then. I’ll call you.” He
continued to stand unmoving.

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