Promise Made (The Callahan Series)

Promise Made (The Callahan Series) by Mitzi Pool Bridges

Book: Promise Made (The Callahan Series) by Mitzi Pool Bridges Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mitzi Pool Bridges
Tags: Contemporary, small town
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scope of duty, but I appreciate it.”
    “If you get sick you won’t be able to take care of Grace,” he said bluntly. Then he turned to leave.
    Despite the growl in his voice, and the fact she knew he was only being kind because of Gram, Kate didn’t want him to go. She made herself walk him to the door, thanked him again for all he’d done, and shut the door behind him.
    What was wrong with her anyway? He was a lot nicer to her than she’d be to him if the tables were reversed and he had left her at the altar.
    Heeding his advice, she fixed a piece of toast, slathered it with peanut butter and ate it while drinking her tea.
    Then she let Yogi back in and smiled to herself when both animals followed her to her room.
    Nothing was the same though. Gram wasn’t there.
    Dugan shut the door to his cruiser and just sat there. Wondered why being with Kate most of the day felt normal. She was the same Kate who left him, yet not the same. She was more brittle. As if she were holding back something. It wasn’t his problem. His wish was for her to go back to Austin. Maybe she’d take his anger and hurt back with her. He didn’t like the way he felt now.
    He pounded the steering wheel, started his cruiser, and headed to the office.
    Though he’d been over her a long time, there would be no way to avoid her now. He cared deeply for Grace and would check on her as often as he could.
    I’ll see Kate every day.
    Why couldn’t she have just stayed away? It would have been easier. And why did it feel as if just being around her reopened a wound he thought had healed? He’d spent five years hardening his feelings, now they were so mixed up he wondered how to handle them. Anger mixed with caring. Okay. He had to admit it. He still cared about her and about what happened to her—the same as he would about anyone else.
    Mary Jo had been right to break it off. She was a nice person, had been good company, a fun dinner partner. But she wanted more. He couldn’t give more. Not until he settled his confused emotions about Kate.
    Mary Jo didn’t disturb him. What he felt for her was quiet, soothing, and comfortable. Not the wild, passionate lust he’d had for Kate. He’d loved her so deeply then his heart almost burst from the joy of it. At the time, he was sure Kate felt the same. She couldn’t have faked the desire in her eyes or the passion when they made love.
    He’d thought they were meant to be together. At the time, he couldn’t wait to ask her to marry him, to share their lives, to make a family.
    Hell, all he had to do was think about her now and the old hurt came over him. Mary Jo had sensed the truth. What a dilemma. He had to get Kate out of his system once and for all.
    If five years hadn’t done it, he didn’t know what would.
    It would be at least two months before Grace completely healed.
    His stomach clenched into a knot.
    It would be a long two months. Hoped he could live through it without making a fool of himself. He didn’t want to lash out at Kate as he once wanted to. Probably because he loved Grace so much he didn’t want to hurt her. Since he’d never known his own grandparents, she was like one to him.
    He’d simply stay away from Kate. It shouldn’t be that hard to do.

Chapter Five
    The next day, Kate held onto Gram’s good arm to help her up the steps and into the house. “Take it easy, Gram.”
    Behind them, Ed made clucking noises. “We’ll have you in bed in a minute. Just hang in there.”
    Gram halted inside the door. “Enough! The two of you act as if I’m at death’s door. I broke my arm, not my back, not my head, not even my leg. All I want to do is sit in my chair and watch my shows. I missed them yesterday.”
    Kate chuckled as she led her into the den. “Gram, you’re incorrigible.”
    Yogi was so glad to see them he wouldn’t stop barking.
    “Enough!” Kate warned. On cue, he stopped.
    Once in the den, Ed led Gram to her chair. “What can I get you?”
    Gram shook

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