Promising Hope
said. “You pursued her so diligently, your
Highness. My family is forever grateful.”
    Grace’s anger melted away as she looked at William.
The thought of him searching after her made her smile. William met
her eyes, returning the smile.
    “I couldn’t stand knowing she was with those people,”
he said.
    Her smile fading the slightest, Grace looked down at
her clasped hands. Emotions warred inside of her: pleasure at
William’s protectiveness over her, offense at referring to her
friends as ‘those people’, lingering indignation at her mother’s
insinuation. She knew what was important, though. “Oh, your
Highness, I was so pleased to see you in that jungle.”
    “Jungle?” Mother repeated.
    “The kidnappers were keeping her in Nyad,” William
    Grace caught thoughtful Kyler’s gaze on her, and he
smiled uncertainly. He must have known the truth. Grace longed to
be able to tell everyone the truth, the way she’d told Sashe, even
though she’d gotten upset.
    Sashe soon entered the room, followed by the king and
queen. King Thomas was a large man with William’s eyes. He towered
above the others, his purple tunic stretched over broad shoulders.
He came over to them with a large smile on his face.
    Queen Kate was on his arm, her graying blonde hair in
a fancy braid with jewels woven through it. Her calculating blue
eyes swept across the people in the room before falling on Grace.
Her face softened with a smile, and she stepped away from the king
to hug Grace and kiss her on both cheeks. It was a ritual from
Jolen that no one else in the palace used, but the queen had been a
princess in Jolen. Grace didn’t know the queen well; she’d sat in
meetings once Grace returned from Nyad, but her mind always seemed
    “Lady Grace,” she now said, “I’m glad something good
came from this whole nonsense.”
    Grace smiled. “I am, too.”
    “I keep telling His Majesty that we could find other
uses for manpower they waste on trying to control them,” the queen
said, motioning to King Thomas.
    He waved his hand. “Let’s not get into that right
now.” He inclined his head to Grace. “I’m very pleased that you’re
home safe. William was so worried about you.”
    A thrill went through her, and she fought to keep her
smile from widening too much. Her mother didn’t even try; she was
beaming now. No doubt this was the happiest moment of her life:
Grace being spoken to by three royals.
    “We were just talking about how brave your son was,”
Mother said. She rubbed Grace’s arm. “Without him, Grace wouldn’t
be here at all.”
    Again, she got the feeling that that wasn’t right at
all… Grace shook her head. What was wrong with her? William may not
have saved her, but he left home and pursued her with the intention
of doing so. Even if she hadn’t been in danger, he thought she was
and he cared about her enough to put himself in danger, too. She
looked at William, keeping her head bowed, smiling.
    He raised a glass to her. “I wouldn’t let anything
happen to her.”
    Mother squeezed Grace’s arm. “Well, I thank you, your
    “As do I,” Grace said.
    “I just hope this is the end of it,” Queen Kate said.
“Just let the shape—”
    “Your Majesty,” King Thomas said quietly.
“Discretion, please.”
    “Yes, Your Majesty,” Queen Kate said before rolling
her eyes at Grace.
    Grace smiled. What was the queen going to say? Just
let the shape changers… do what? Could there be any chance that the
queen was on their side?
    “But Lady Grace…” Queen Kate softly touched Grace’s
arm, her eyes narrowing. “This is the end of it?”
    Grace’s smile faded a bit. “Oh, of course. I’m here
to stay. Well, I mean, not the palace, per se, unless my presence
is wanted.” She glanced back at William, who raised his eyebrows at
her, almost looking playful.
    “Good,” Queen Kate said, patting her arm. “I’d hate
for all of us to have to go through another ordeal

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