Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3)
their lips.
“Arguing over this point is not achieving anything. Now Harrison,
did you find something we can actually use.”
    Harrison shot the man a dark look. “Not much.
I don’t know who he was accused of murdering.”
    “Did you ever think it could be your mother?
This woman he spends all his time with suddenly disappears. People
would ask questions.”
    “What’s the bet that’s one of the reasons
your mother hates herself so much? She’s probably assumed it’s her
they’re talking about.”
    Harrison nodded at the theory. It did make
sense. He was too riled when he found out to stop and think of that
scenario. His emotions settled to a simmer as he continued his
    “I also found out he disappeared before they
could arrest him and no-one heard anything about him after that. He
was presumed dead months later when some unidentified remains were
found in the forest, several days ride from his brother’s estate in
the country. My research theorizes that he was attacked by
    Gabe nodded. Running a hand through his hair,
he looked at his daughter with grave eyes.
    “It’s not much, kid. I don’t think we can
send you back on this amount of information.”
    “No,” her voice pleaded. “You guys don’t give
up yet. I’ll go and see Emilie. Maybe she can point me in the right
direction. She’ll know stuff that’s not recorded.”
    “How do you know she’ll even talk to
    “Because I saved her life once. She’ll
remember me.” Gemma’s confidence did not wipe the skepticism from
Gabe’s expression. “Look, if I don’t get what I need from her, I’ll
come home. A little trip to have a conversation is not risky.”
    She glanced between the two of them. Harrison
kept his expression level as he waited for Gabe’s verdict. A jagged
laceration was ripping his spine apart as he waited. His insides
warred with desperation for her to go and help his mother and a
determination to keep her here, safe in his arms.
    She won’t stay in your arms if she doesn’t
go, Granger.
    “One conversation.” Gabe held up his finger.
“If Nathaniel’s more than a week ahead of you on his journey you
come home. If Emilie has doubts about his innocence, you come home.
If you get over there and things feel wrong, you come home.
    Gemma nodded with a triumphant smile.
Harrison let out a long sigh then shot her a glib grin, allowing
his head to bob once… the minimal gesture sealing an action that
could have dire consequences.

    St Augustine, Florida – 2011AD
    The fall weather was pleasant. Gemma stood
outside Gabe’s caravan going over last minute details. It had been
just over two weeks since they started preparing for her trip. She
had not needed as much training as last time, things coming back to
her easily. As she stood in the fresh, morning air, she felt a
heady mixture of excitement and anxiety.
    Wriggling her fingers, she listened to Gabe
go over the plan one last time, nodding her head as she absorbed
the information. They had discussed it numerous times already, but
one last recap wouldn’t hurt.
    They had chosen a Wednesday, feeling it was
their best chance to do this with no questions asked. Gemma was
faking a sicky and Harrison had managed to forge a pretty decent
note in Bryan’s scribble stating they had a family function in DC.
With whispers of their eminent departure in the air, the excuse was
bought. So the trio had a whole day to try and pull this mission
off… all Gemma could hope was that they would need every second of
it. The longer she was across the line, the better.
    If she did manage a successful conversation
with Emilie, she may be gone a little longer than normal in her
hunt for Nathaniel. Harrison wasn’t happy about it, but she wasn’t
going to miss an opportunity if it was presented. She had been made
to promise that if he was more than a week ahead of her, she had to
abort. She just hoped and prayed they were timing it

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