either Sutro Heights Park or the ocean. It was one of the stucco rowhouses that a builder named Dolger had strung out over the avenues in the 1930s—the kind Malvina Reynolds had referred to as “ticky-tacky houses” in her sixties protest song, “Little Boxes.” Each one attached to its neighbors, like links in a giant chain, with a little patch of ground in front and a garage under the living room windows. When the garage was open it would look like a gaping mouth under a couple of bulging rectangular eyes.
Two things set Mixer’s house off from those of his neighbors. One was the fact that it was painted a bilious urine-yellow color uncompli-mented by bright green trim. The other was the Christmas tree prominently displayed in one of the front windows: pink-flocked, decorated with silver tinsel and sparkly blue ornaments. If there had been a city ordinance against visual pollution—and there ought to have been—they could have slapped Mixer with a hell of a fine.
The curb in front was empty; I put my car there and stepped out into the same kind of light, steady drizzle we had had last night. December in San Francisco usually brings decent weather, but not this year. It had been raining off and on for three weeks now and I was pretty sick of it. I was starting to feel like an overwatered houseplant: much more of this and I would start to rot.
I ran up the yellow stucco staircase to one of those burglar-proof wrought iron gates that protected the front stoop. It kept me standing out in the rain while I pushed the doorbell and waited for somebody to respond. I waited a good minute before that happened; then the door clicked open and eased inward and a face peered at me around the edge. It was a white face, sort of vulpine, topped with a wild shock of red hair that clashed painfully with the yellow walls and green trim. It peered at me being rained on outside the gate, blinked a couple of times, and poked out a little farther from behind the door on a long scrawny neck.
“Yes?” the face said warily. “What do you want?”
“Are you Nelson Mixer?”
“I am. Who are you?”
I told him who I was and what I did for a living. His eyes got wide and popped a little, as if I’d told him I was Benito Mussolini come back from the dead; the white skin turned even whiter. He yanked the door open all the way, more a reflex action than anything else, and I was looking at the rest of him. There wasn’t much to see, really. He was about five-six and weighed in at a strapping one-twenty, all of which was encased in a royal blue bathrobe with gold-leaf dragons emblazoned on it. He could have been thirty-five or he could have been forty-five. He could also have been slightly screwball, if the way he was gawping at me was any indication.
“Private detective?” he said. “My God! What do you want? Who sent you?”
“Nobody sent me, Mr. Mixer. I—”
“Clara’s father? Is he the one?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know anyone named—”
“Well, you tell him I never touched her. You hear me? It’s all a pack of lies. All I did was tutor her.”
“Pardon me?”
“Tutor, tutor. You know what tutor means, don’t you?”
“Of course I know what—”
“There was never anything between Clara and me. No physical contact of any kind. I don’t even find her attractive; I’ve never liked women with big behinds. Tell him that, the old fool.”
“Look, Mr. Mixer ...”
“Nellie!” a woman’s voice called from somewhere inside the house. “Nellie, what are you doing out there?”
“Oh my God,” Mixer said. He glanced over his shoulder, looked back at me again. Sudden guilt had spread like jam over his vulpine features.
“ Nell ie?”
He half-turned. “Stop that yelling!” he yelled. “I’ll be there in a minute, Darlene.”
“It’s pretty wet out here,” I said when his attention returned to me. “How about buzzing me in so we can talk?”
“Hah,” he said. “I don’t care if you drown out
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