Raging Star

Raging Star by Moira Young Page B

Book: Raging Star by Moira Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Moira Young
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vex Molly, it unsettles all of us. You know she’s still mournin Ike. It’s only bin six months, fergawdsake. Show her some respect.
    He’s silent, frownin.
    Are you listenin to me? I says.
    I gotta make her see, he says. What can I do?
    Be a man, Creed, I says. Accept that she don’t want you an leave her alone. There’s too much at stake fer us to fall out. We gotta be able to depend on each other, stick tight together. Okay, I’m done here. I’ll git Emmi to bandage you, she’s got neat fingers.
    I jest don’t unnerstand, he says.
    I grab his knee an shake it hard. Molly ain’t fer you, I says. Accept it. Capeesh?
    He looks at me. No, I mean, I was so sure, he says. That first time I seen her, my heart knew. It went … oh, it’s you, yer the one. How can that be wrong?
    Yer heart, I says. More like yer britches.
    I stand up an he does too. A storm brews in his grey-blue eyes. Yer really somethin, y’know that? he says. Depend on each other. Stick tight together. That’s rich, comin from you.
    I start to hear the pound of war drums. What’s the problem? I says. Say what you mean an be done.
    He raises his voice so all can hear. Yer the problem. That’swhat I mean. We’re all thinkin it, he says. I’m th’only one’s got the guts to say it. What the hell was that, Saba? Back at the bridge? You, chasin that fuse? We should of bin long gone, safely away. Instead you nearly got us all killed.
    You know why, I says. There was innocent people there. Slaves, like Mercy.
    That’s their bad luck, he says. Whose side are you on? We’re yer people, not them.
    I jest bin told what went down today, says Slim. He fixes me with his watery one-eyed pebble stare. Creed’s right, he says, we agreed the plan. Set the charge, blow the bridge an skedaddle. In an out, quick an clean.
    Around the fire, every head’s turned to look at me now. Emmi’s wide-eyed worried, seated at Mercy’s feet.
    Killin warn’t part of the plan, I says.
    It’s called collateral damage, says Slim. Would you rather yer comrades got killt? You keep yer eye on the goal an you keep discipline an that includes you.
    Sometimes you gotta change tactics, I says.
    Agreed, he says. But that ain’t what you did. You change tactics fer two reasons. To win the goal or save yer crew. You’d already won the goal. What you did was risk yer crew. That’s a bad leader.
    Ash says, I don’t git you, Saba. What about Darktrees? The Tonton slaughtered our friends while they slept. Forty lives. Free Hawks an Raiders. Have you fergot that? An Epona anMaev. Ike an Bram. They all died fer this fight. I’m sorry, but Creed’s right. Where’s yer loyalty?
    I am loyal, I says. I ain’t fergot. Not Darktrees an not one of them you name. Far from it. But this ain’t about loyalty, I—
    It is fer me, says Tommo. Loyalty.
    But it’s different now, I says. Doncha see? Here in New Eden, I mean. There’s too many people caught between us an the Tonton. Innocent people.
    We cain’t afford a weak leader, says Ash. Me an Creed bin down that road before, with Maev. An it leads to defeat an death. Yer strong. Certain. Single minded. You ain’t that bleedin heart we seen today. Gawdamnmit, yer the Angel of Death. Yer epic, Saba. That’s why we all lined up behind you.
    Maybe you ain’t got the stummick fer this no more, says Creed.
    I go cold still inside. Is that a challenge? I says.
    He says, Be who we need or stand aside.
    That’s enough, says Lugh. He rises to his feet from his place by the fire. He’s bin listenin all this time. What happened at the bridge was my fault, he says.
    Everybody looks at him. Surprise on their faces. Puzzlement in their eyes.
    How d’you figger that? says Creed.
    I got spooked by them first two Tonton, Lugh says. I was unner the bridge with the blastpack. Saba ordered me not to move but I did. I slipped an fell an she came to save me. If itwarn’t fer her an Tommo, I’d be dead. I defied a direct order from my commander. I’m

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