Raging Star

Raging Star by Moira Young

Book: Raging Star by Moira Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Moira Young
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chance would have it, she’s a friend of the family. That there’s Ash. An that’s Molly.
    Mercy’s drawn an exhausted but she manages a smile. Glad to know yuz, she says.
    Me an Slim help her down from the pony. Mercy’s a healer, I tell him.
    A fellow perfessional, eh? In that case, I am double-delighted to make yer acquaintanceship, Miz Mercy. As he bows, all gallant, over her hand, they take each other’s measure with keen eyes. I’ll have a gander at that ankle if you like, he says.
    Thanks, she says. What I’d really like is to get rid of this collar.
    Slim peers at it closely. You need a junkjimmy with a cuttin tool fer that, he says. I know one’ll git it off, no trouble. We’ll git you over there aysap.
    Ash says, In case yer wonderin, ma’am, yes, that is a dress he’s wearin. It belonged to his late mother.
    Don’t let that faze you, though, says Molly. He’s a blue-chip quack, is our Slim.
    Mama Big Doe bequeried me three frocks, her wood leg an two left shoes, says Slim. A salt johnny from Pooce bought the leg an a shoe, but her frocks fit me—an as you can see,I’m a awkward size—so, waste ye not, says I. I’m a fashion free-wheeler an damn the torpedoes.
    Mercy! Emmi yells. She comes runnin through the gap with Tracker right behind her. It’s you, it really is! We thought you was dead!
    As she rushes at Mercy, Mercy sees Tracker an he sees her an, as her mouth falls open an she’s sayin, Tracker? Can it be? he’s flyin at her, barkin with excitement. Then she’s bein hugged by Emmi an Tracker’s turnin hisself inside out, lickin everywhere with his long sloppy tongue an the whole thing’s a giddy jamboree. Mercy says to me, How on earth did you find him? Why didn’t you say?
    Sorry, I fergot. I’ll tell you later, I says.
    She’s lookin dazed. Em’s already bolted into a breathless gallop about how Tracker found us, so I go over, sayin, All right, that’s enough, you can tell her later. I peel Emmi away from her.
    Slim helps Mercy to a seat by the fire with Ash an Molly. He bustles about, fillin her a tin of food while he clackets on in his usual cheerful way.
    What took you so long? Emmi clings to me. Her legs clamp my waist. Her skinny arms bindweed my neck. Where’s Lugh? Where’s the boys? I bin watchin ferever.
    Hey hey, yer stranglin me, I says. Git down, yer too big.
    She twines me even tighter. Grabs my face in her grubby hands. Worry clouds her blue-sky eyes. I was worried anworried somethin bad would happen to you. An it did, she says. The Tonton came. Ash said. What happened? Where’s Lugh an Tommo?
    They’re on their way, I says. Now lemme go. On yer feet.
    She slides down reluctantly. Her hands might be dirty but fer once she’s washed her face. In fact, she’s clean an neat. Positively respectable. Her wayward brown hair’s in a plait. Her shirt’s tucked in. Her britches buttoned. She’s even laced her boots. This is Molly’s doin. Left to herself, Em’s a scarecrow of a girl.
    She stands with arms crossed, all sulky chin an scrimped up mouth. What did I do now? she says.
    Don’t gimme that mardy face, I says. Listen, Em, yer a Free Hawk now. You cain’t go screamin around like you done jest now, like some little kid. I told you before.
    But I—
    Who’s on lookout?
    Me, she says.
    So what’re you doin here? I says.
    She heaves a sigh. Well, pardon me fer bein glad you ain’t dead, she says.
    Git back there this second, go on, I says.
    Saba? says Slim. There’s fruit bat gumbo in the pot.
    I thought somethin smelled good. Lugh’s voice comes from the entranceway. I whirl around. He’s all in one piece. His smile stretches ear to ear as he opens his arms wide. Anybody miss me? he says.
    I did, I did! Emmi dashes at him, leaps at him. He twirls her in a circle. You bum! she cries. I bin worried sick. Did you see Tommo? Creed?
    What? They ain’t here yet? Sorry I bin so long, he says to me. I had to cut out wide to lose them Tonton. They took some

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