Rancher For The Holidays (Love Inspired)
    “Take my word for it, you have nothing to be worried about.” Marley shook her head as she dug through her purse for her car keys. “Anyway, Ben is Steve and Jane Whitlow’s nephew. I’m sure they’ll vouch for his good character.”
    Ernie flinched. “The Whitlows? Why didn’t you say so?”
    “Why should I have to?” Marley reached past Ernie for the door handle. “Admit it, you had Ben pigeonholed the minute you laid eyes on his Mustang. You never even gave him a chance.”
    “Okay, I didn’t give him a fair shake. I apologize.” Both hands lifted, Ernie backed away. “But do you really think he’s gonna be much help with our outreach committee? I got a really strong vibe that he hasn’t spent much time in church lately.”
    Marley pulled open the car door and tossed her things inside before pivoting to face Ernie. “Again, you are prejudging. And even if you’re right about Ben, people can change. People can learn from their mistakes, repent and become better human beings. Isn’t that why Jesus died for us?”
    Ernie’s lips quirked in a curious grin. “Maybe they should have asked
to fill in for Chris tomorrow,
Sanders.” Heaving a resigned sigh, he lowered his head. “And I totally get your point. Sorry for jumping to conclusions about Ben.”
    “I’m sorry, too.” Marley grimaced. “Stepping off my soapbox now.”
    Turning toward his pickup, Ernie paused and snapped his fingers. “Almost forgot. Angela told me to invite you over for burgers tonight.”
    Relieved the tension had eased between them, Marley smiled her thanks. “Sounds great. I’ll call Angela later and ask what I can bring.”
    They said their goodbyes, and Marley climbed into the Civic. With the air-conditioning cranked up, she drove toward her apartment, intending to freshen up and then open the studio. Weekends usually brought more shoppers to the arts district, and with the rent increase looming, she couldn’t afford to miss out on any potential customers.
    By the time she pulled into the parking space outside her apartment, she’d replayed her conversation with Ernie several times.
People can learn from their mistakes, repent and become better human beings.
Good grief, could she sound any more preachy? Not that she didn’t believe every word she’d spoken, but it had less to do with Ben than with herself. She
repented after her juvenile delinquent past and become a better person, hadn’t she? Candelaria was her atonement, her way of doing something good for others to make up for all the stupid, hurtful, downright dangerous things she’d done as a teen.
    Yes, better to concentrate on the Candelaria outreach than to dwell on the past—worse, to entertain unrequited feelings for Ben Fisher.
    Except now he’d volunteered to help with the outreach committee. He could still back out, though, and maybe he would. If he didn’t, how would she ever stay focused?
    * * *
    As Ben parked the Mustang outside the garage, his uncle came around from the other side of the barn. Seeing Ben, he jogged over to the car. The crevices around his eyes were definitely from worry, not from squinting into the sun.
    Ben unfolded himself from the low seat and slammed the car door. “What’s up?”
    “Ruby’s down with colic. The vet’s on his way, but Jane’s gone shopping and I need help getting Ruby up and walking.”
    Ruby, Uncle Steve’s favorite mare, had been around for almost as long as Ben could remember. He and Aidan had learned to ride on the gentle, patient roan, and now Ben was as worried as Uncle Steve.
    When they reached Ruby’s pasture, Uncle Steve grabbed a halter and lead rope off the gate and motioned Ben to follow him. A few feet inside the gate, the horse rolled and writhed, clearly in pain. Avoiding Ruby’s lashing hooves, Steve tried to steady the horse’s head long enough for Ben to fasten the halter. With Ben tugging on the lead rope and Steve muscling against Ruby’s haunches,

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