Ravished by Wolves

Ravished by Wolves by Nicole Ash

Book: Ravished by Wolves by Nicole Ash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Ash
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they just spit it out already?
    “Oh, he explained all of it to me. I thought it sounded brilliant. Especially your part.”
    Michael’s smile and sudden laugh told her she had messed up her bluff somehow. He fixed his stare on the fire. Damn. So much for getting a little information.
    “Clever girl. You don’t have to worry about the escape plan honey. You have no business risking your life in your condition. We’ll take care of everything. You’ll stay here where it’s safe. That’s it.”
    Her curiosity was piqued by his reference to her condition, but she recognized the note of finality in his voice. Why the hell won’t they tell me anything at all? And…what in the world does he mean, my condition? She knew she wasn’t going to get anything else out of Michael and it would be useless to try. The brothers may look a lot alike, but she was definitely starting to recognize some subtle differences in the two. Fador was more easygoing than his brother. Neither seemed inclined to talk, but Michael was a lot harder to engage in any sort of conversation. Examining his face, she saw the lines around his eyes weren’t nearly as deep as his Fador’s. He’s the serious one.
    Michael stood as his brother approached carrying the rabbits and several palm tree leaves.
    “About damned time.” He walked up to his brother and something seemed to pass between the two of them. They turned as one toward her. Amber felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end at the look in those pale eyes. Moments later, they turned away again and Fador nodded once. Michael walked away and Fador, smiling, came and sat beside her on a rock.
    “I hope you’re hungry. I can’t promise these will taste great, but if you’re anything like me you’re probably hungry enough now not to care as long as it’s food, right?”
    “Where’s Michael off to?”
    “Oh, he’s just going to go scout. Make sure it’s safe here. That’s all. Don’t worry about him. Michael can take care of himself.”
    Amber had the feeling more was going on than the two of them were sharing, but she was at a loss as to how to convince them to trust her with the truth. At least he doesn’t seem angry any more.
    “Here, tear all the ends off these leaves and we’ll use the flat parts for plates.”
    He lifted the spit and forced it through all three rabbits, one at a time, before carefully placing it back over the fire. He added several more pieces of wood to feed the flames. The smell of burning wood was quickly replaced by the aroma of cooking meat.
    “Hey, look…. I’m sorry about earlier. What I said… I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”
    She found it was actually harder to tear the leaves than she’d originally anticipated, but continued to pull and twist at the ends, happy for something she could focus her eyes on without obviously avoiding his. When she looked up, she met his intense blue eyes and her breath caught in her throat.
    “Don’t worry about it..” He lips lifted in a smile that melted her insides. “I didn’t mean to over-react like that. So, anyway, what are your plans?”
    “My plans?” She hadn’t thought too much about what she would do when she got back. She was so preoccupied by what was happening around her that she hadn’t really stopped to think about it. The world she had left just seemed so far away now . I can’t go back to the city. Mr. Hiroshi was in on it. He… It was still so hard to wrap her mind around that one… that her boss was in on the whole abduction. Even if he hadn’t planned on killing her, she knew she could never go back now. They weren’t even off the island yet and there was no telling how if they’d manage to make it off alive.
    “I’m… not sure.”
    “You don’t have a family to get back to?”
    “No. No one’s waiting for me. I have a few friends, but….”
    “I understand. We’re in the same boat.”
    “You have each other.”
    He smiled and moved to sit closer to her. He

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