Realm 07 - A Touch of Honor

Realm 07 - A Touch of Honor by Regina Jeffers

Book: Realm 07 - A Touch of Honor by Regina Jeffers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Jeffers
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she said softly.
    “If I had my way, I would drape you in gold and jewels and little else,” he whispered seductively close to her ear.
    “Baron!” she gasped. The thought of knowing John Swenton intimately frightened her. Her limited experience had been less than delightful–painful, in fact. If asked, Satiné would deny any man access to her person again, but she knew realistically, once she married the baron, he would have the legal right to claim his husbandly privileges. Despite her best efforts, she could not stifle the shudder, which rushed down her spine. “You should not speak so boldly.”
    “I know.” The baron patted the back of her hand. “You will soon discover, my Dear, I am rarely a patient man, but when it comes to you, I will shed my shield of eagerness.”
    Although the thought of performing her wifely duties repulsed her, Satiné liked the idea of the baron’s fascination with her. She could use his response to her benefit. “It might be wise if you speak to my physician prior to our joining,” she coyly suggested. “I would never wish to displease you. Mayhap Doctor Berhardt could more appropriately explain what intimacies we might expect with our vows.”
    The baron’s expression remained closemouthed. He tilted his head to one side, obviously considering her motives. Finally, he said, “Yours is an excellent suggestion. If you will provide the man’s directions, I will make a point of seeking his advice.”
    Satiné breathed easier. She hoped Doctor Berhardt would speak as honestly to Baron Swenton as he had to her. She had been mortified when the physician had described how foolishly she had been in choosing an intimate partner without the privilege of marriage vows, as well as the consequences of multiple contacts. “Thank you, John,” she whispered. “I appreciate how abiding you have been in a most difficult situation.”
    Mr. Eggers had not appeared pleased with John’s decision to permit Miss Satiné to choose from his mother’s jewelry, but as the future baroness, the lady would eventually receive Lady Fiona’s jewels, as well as those from the Swenton side of the family. She had chosen an emerald and diamond ring. It was more ornate than what he would have selected for her, but John supposed after the scandal, his lady wished to declare her return to the world. He had asked Eggers to set aside a matching necklace, earrings, brooch, and bracelet so John might present them to Miss Satiné once she became his wife. The emeralds were exquisitely cut, and they would emphasize the deep green of his lady’s eyes.
    John had hoped to spend several hours with her, but when Miss Aldridge sagged heavily against him, he had hailed a carriage and escorted her home. He prayed for Miss Satiné’s ability to withstand the journey to England. He congratulated himself on having chosen to travel by ship rather than traversing the nearly one thousand miles by coach. “I pray you are not too exhausted,” he said encouragingly as they climbed the main steps to her residence. “The prince has contacted a clergyman for our services. As many in Vienna are either Catholic or Lutheran, finding a Protestant cleric was a bit troublesome.”
    “Perhaps we should wait until our arrival in England,” she said with a hopeful tone, which set John’s emotions upon alert.
    He stopped before he released the knocker. “I understand,” he said with more calmness than his heart felt, “that our joining is not the one you would have chosen if not for the circumstances, but it would do me well to observe your willingness to make our marriage a complete one. That means we each much abandon our youthful imaginings to concentrate on a mature relationship.”
    As quickly as the words departed his lips, John knew remorse for tears formed in his lady’s eyes. “I would not purposely…” Satiné sucked in a quick breath. “My only concern is whether the Church of England will honor a foreign

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