Reapers, Inc. - Brigit's Cross

Reapers, Inc. - Brigit's Cross by B.L. Newport Page A

Book: Reapers, Inc. - Brigit's Cross by B.L. Newport Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.L. Newport
Tags: adventure, Romance, Gay, Ghosts, Lesbian, spirits, goth, Grim Reaper
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not ready
to cross over yet. You’ve made a commitment that you seem
determined to keep. I find that admirable and I believe this offer
would provide you the way to honor your promise to Maggie.” John
spoke quietly, as if what he was saying really did mean something
to him. A seriousness filled Brigit’s eyes and he knew he had her
full attention.
    “How do you know about my promise to
    John reached inside his suit coat and
withdrew the long black book she had seen him reading when she had
entered the café. In the dim light over their heads, she saw her
name embossed in gold across the cover.
    “This is your portfolio – your file, if you
will. Every second of your mortal life is recorded on its pages.
Your promise to Maggie, to be there until the last breath, is
written here. I know everything about you and I know that you have
no intention of leaving her,” he replied.
    “So how will being a Reaper help me with that
    “The agreement I offer you is this: you’ll
reap during the day, when Maggie is awake and going on with her
life. Then, when night falls, you can go home to her – just as you
would if you were still alive. Unfortunately, I can only afford to
give you a few days of training; but,” John reached into his coat
again and laid another black book on the counter. It was as thin as
the first book he had pulled out, but the shape of it was
different. It was more of a square than a rectangle, as if it were
meant to be carried in one’s hip pocket. Brigit glanced at it
briefly before returning her attention to John. “This book will be
your guide. Then, you’ll receive the weapon of your choice and we
can get down to business.”
    “Wait, why would I need a weapon?” Brigit
asked, concerned that her new job would require the need for a
    “Not every soul is innocent; Brigit, and on
occasion, they will not go peacefully. So, what do you say? Will
you take the position?”
    “I need to talk to Maggie,” Brigit said
    She caught herself as the words came out. If
she were still alive, she would discuss the idea of changing jobs
with Maggie to be sure she was making the right decision. Maggie’s
opinions had never steered her wrong. Now, Brigit suddenly
realized, she was alone in this decision. She had to make up her
own mind this time.
    “What happens if I decline?” Brigit
    “Then,” John picked up her portfolio as if to
add the emphasis to what he was about to say, “You will need to
prepare yourself for your judgment. I will have to come for you
eventually. Your promise to Maggie will be broken.”
    “I see,” Brigit sighed. Her mind was quickly
wrapping itself around the proposition and seeing the sense in
taking the job. If she wanted to keep her promise – her oath – to
Maggie, she had no choice really. Maggie was her life, the center
of her universe. She would do anything to keep a hold of that. If
John Blackwick was truly capable of delivering on his claim that he
would send Brigit on to her fate, there was no other option than to
agree to his offer. “Okay, I’ll do it.”
    “Fantastic!” John proclaimed as he hurriedly
began stuffing her portfolio back inside his suit coat. “Take the
field guide and read it tonight. It will go over topics I really
won’t have time for during your training. Be at the office first
thing in the morning and we’ll begin your training immediately,” he
instructed as he slid from his stool and began buttoning his coat.
“I’m so grateful you’ve made such a positive decision. I simply
can’t bear the thought of never catching up. I’ll see you in the
    With that, John the Reaper turned and exited
the café. Brigit looked at the square black book left on the
counter for her. Slowly, she reached over and slid it before her.
Suddenly, she had so many more questions about everything. She
wondered if the book would answer any of it.

6: The Reaper’s Field Guide

    Maggie was already

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