Nature of the Beasts
just in case. The last thing he needed was to go back to the house right now.
    He could still smell Sarah’s scent. The whole upstairs was filled with it. She smelled like a female shifter in heat, which was ridiculous. She wasn’t a shifter, so the smell had to be in his mind. But regardless of where it came from, if he hadn’t gotten out of the house this morning, he would’ve seduced her. In some ways, he wished he had.
    His hand was a poor substitute for the warmth of her body. He had a feeling being inside her would be like heaven.
    “You all right, Dastan?” George asked.
    He glanced over at the older man and gave him a small smile. “Yeah. Just not sleeping well.”
    “I can’t say as I blame you, especially after finding that woman.”
    “Yeah,” Dastan said as he watched George hammer in a nail.
    “Dastan.” Dmitry’s voice came over the walkie that Dastan kept clipped to his belt.
    He pulled it free and hit the Talk button. “Where the hell are you?” he asked. He hadn’t seen Dmitry since last night.
    “I need you to come back to the house.”
    “Why? What’s up?”
    George looked up at him with concern.
    “Just get to the house, Dastan,” Dmitry growled.
    Dastan raised an eyebrow. With a grin, he said to George, “I think somebody needs a good fuck.”
    George chuckled and returned to nailing the board.
    “I’ll be back shortly,” Dastan said as he headed to the truck.
    All the way back, Dastan worried about what might’ve happened. Did Dmitry attack Sarah? In a shifter’s heightened state of arousal, sometimes better judgment lost out to instinct and need.
    He hurried as quickly as he could through the field, then down the long gravel driveway. Once at the porch, he shut off the truck and rushed into the house. Sarah was in the kitchen. When she saw him round the corner into her domain, she screamed and dropped her steamy cup of coffee onto the floor.
    “Oh my God! You scared the hell out of me!”
    “I’m sorry. Are you okay?” he asked as he grabbed the kitchen towel and began to help her clean up the mess.
    “I’m fine. What are you doing here?”
    Dastan gave her a concerned look. “Dmitry called and wanted me here right away. Is he not here?”
    Sarah shrugged. “Not that I’ve seen. Thank God,” she added under her breath.
    Dastan bit back a grin.
    “We have a problem,” Dmitry said as he rushed into the kitchen. “Sarah, you’re not to leave this house unless one of us is with you.”
    Sarah stood and glared at Dmitry. “Excuse me?”
    Dmitry glared right back with his hands on his hips. Obviously last night’s run had done nothing to soothe his friend’s lust. “The shifter is still here.”
    “What?” Dastan asked as he stood and placed the towel back on the island.
    “I ran across him last night in the woods. He was watching the damn house!”
    Dastan raised an eyebrow.
    “Are you sure it’s the same one as before?” Sarah asked.
    “No. I’m not.” He looked at Dastan. “I do know he was from your pack.”
    “I don’t have a pack, Dmitry.”
    “Your former pack. He has your coloring.”
    Dastan shrugged. “That doesn’t mean anything. There are several packs that have similar coloring. It doesn’t mean he’s from mine.”
    “That’s true. But do all of the ones from your line have the white tips on the ears?”
    Dastan frowned.
    “I don’t understand,” Sarah murmured.
    “We have the same sire,” Dastan mumbled. “I thought I was the only one left from that sire.”
    “So you’re brothers?” Sarah asked with confusion.
    “Sort of,” Dastan replied. “It means we were both bitten or created by the same man.”
    “You weren’t born a shifter?” she asked.
    “No. I was born a Persian prince. I was made into a shifter. Our sire created us to be great warriors. But after a while, I didn’t agree with where our sire planned to take us. I spoke my mind about my concerns, and I was nearly beaten to death because of it. I chose from

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