Human <1.0,1.0,0.3> <1.0,1.0,1.0>
She typed again.
She received a new list from RC.
That had narrowed it down nicely. The Zone of interest now had fewer things to list and for her to worry about. The doors and windows were no longer anywhere in the potential blast radius.
Roisin followed her plan and typed.
“Examine Coin”
RC responded.
Designation - Coin
Static Composite Object
Cu 75%
Ni 25%
Fractal Location - <3800.36,74.3,23.1>
Fractal Orientation- <0,0,0>
Fractal Iteration Level - <2709>
It surprised Roisin on multiple levels. Her brain tried to decide which was the most interesting. Firstly, that this stuff worked at all! She was sending DM’s and getting detail about the World around her. This was way better than a phone assistant app telling her the weather would be wet tomorrow. Secondly, the Coin, it was known as a Coin not just a flat metal disc or something nondescript. Thirdly, and she decided this was the best of the best, it told her the chemical composition of the metal coin instantly. She thought of the various labs around the World with their expensive mass spectrometers. Each firing ions at objects and trying to collect the results with complicated sensors. She could do that with a Tweet. Ha! Take that!
Roisin looked up the 10p coin on Wikipedia. There were a lot of odd things and hacks on Wikipedia but in general the super pedantic contributors made sure everything was ship shape. There was no reason for some sock puppet account to mess with a page about 10p. There it was, the 10p coin page. Since 2012, they have been made of nickel plated steel. Roisin noted her coin was 75% copper, that would make it pre 2012. She picked up the coin and flipped it around to find the date, 1992. Now that is a cool magic trick she thought. ‘Sir can you take a handful of coins from your pocket, now look at the date on one.’ Magic wobbling of fingers and ‘I predict it is pre 2012 am I right Sir?’ Thunderous applause. Drifting again! Roisin got back to the next test. She typed.
“Examine Cap”
RC replied with yet more detail.
Designation - Cap
Static Chemical Compound Object
Contents Components
Fractal Location - <3800.29,74.3,23.1>
Fractal Orientation- <0,0,0>
Fractal Iteration Level - <2709>
Things were getting atomic and complex. This was giving a different level of detail. It was now a ‘Chemical Compound Object’. The level of detail on the coin seemed to be its parts, more easily separated. This was some formula for a plastic? It would be a poly something or other. Big test time, she thought. She entered her command and hit send.
RC gave some details back, not sure of what she was asking.
Join - No parameters specify object1, object2, orientation ,offset, level
Roisin considered the other similar command and typed.
Another similar reply came back from RC.
Attach - No parameters specify object1, object2, orientation ,offset, absolute/relative
“It may be a good idea to look at the manual.” Thanks boring brain regulator you are no fun. Roisin relied on the edge of the seat and serendipitous problem solving that came from second guessing and feeling the answer. Here Attach and Join were looking like doing the same thing. All she could do was refer to what she knew. In 3D modelling there were all sorts of ways to express the shape and texture of a model. The most common was a mesh of triangles. You put enough triangles together across an undulating surface and you have a nice smooth object. Then you tell those triangles to take a colour or a material style. You might use the skinning technique, whereby a picture is wrapped around the mesh like wrapping a present where you can still see the shape of the gift.
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