Redeeming Vows
could without notice.
    “Wouldn’t it be great if he could help some of those in the village? Mrs. Claunch is constantly doubled over in pain with her arthritis.”
    “Mrs. Claunch wouldn’t mind, but my guess is the reaction of the others would result in something resembling the Salem witch trials.” Liz pulled her dress from her shoulders. Under it, she wore shorts and a light camisole.
    “I’m jealous.”
    “Don’t be, next time you come remember to wear something under the dress to strip down to.”
    “I will.”
    The clothing proved more comfortable, but more than that, Liz didn’t want the extra material of long skirts to catch fire a second time.
    “Are you ready for this?”
    “Is anyone?” The time had come to work with Simon and his gifts.
    “He’ll be fine.”
    “God, I hope so. What if he changes and can’t figure a way back to himself?”
    Tara gave a half smile. “Then it’s better we are with him when it happens. Come on, Lizzy, have a little faith in your son.”
    They stepped out of the cottage together in time to see Duncan clasp a ball of fire into his palm and extinguish the flames. Unlike the rest of them, Duncan’s body didn’t burn when the flame touched him. Fin caught sight of her. His eyes swept her frame before they returned to Simon. Does he approve of my choice of clothing?

    Catherine Bybee

    “I think so.”
    Duncan and Fin stood on each side of her son.
    Although it would be a while before Simon measured up to these men physically, Liz couldn’t complain about their mentoring of her son. Simon’s respect for them was unparalleled with any man from their time. She owed them both, Fin especially, though she hated to admit it.
    Sensing her worry, Simon turned to her and said, “Are you ready, Mom?”
    “Born ready.”
    You’re a terrible liar , Simon spoke in his head.
    I know. “ I’m fine, really.”
    “What will you try first?” Tara diverted Lizzy’s unease.
    “A falcon. I think that would be easiest.”
    “Is there anything you’d like us to do?” Fin asked.
    Simon shook his head and glanced at the sky.
    Liz stared on and watched her son close his eyes and steady his breath. Inside his head, he started talking to himself, then aloud for all of them to here.
    “I hear the wind calling. Calling me to be a part of it. I stretch my arms…” As he called out the small command for his limbs, Liz concentrated on his fingers. He spread them wide and turned his wrists.
    “In order to fly, I need to push off with my legs until the wind gathers under my wings…”
    Simons face grew strained but nothing happened. He lowered his arms, frustrated.
    “It’s okay, we can try again later.”
    “No.” Simon tugged his shirt off and over his head and tossed it to the side.
    He closed his eyes again and started over.
    “The wind will carry me to the tops of the trees.
    I will see the fish jumping in the stream.”
    Liz swayed next to her sister, Simon’s singsong 50

    Redeeming Vows

    voice echoing in her head.
    He rounded his neck in a stretch and the tissue beneath the surface of his skin started to ripple. Liz swallowed hard, focused on his fingers, and bit her lip. As Simon clasped his hands, his digits disappeared with crisp gray feathers in their place.
    She grabbed Tara’s hand, eyes wide, praying for something, but not wanting to see her son change.
    Liz felt her body start to rock back and forth. Unable to tear her eyes away from her son, she held her breath.
    Blood rushed from her head.
    Simon bent his arms, reached them out and for one brief moment, they fluttered in the form of a bird. Liz heard him calling in his head, he flapped his arms again, and they were whole. Human.
    “Lizzy?” Tara called to her, but all she could see was her son down a long dark tunnel. He was Simon again, only stars surrounded him.
    Fin turned when Tara called Lizzy’s name. As her body started to sway, Fin leapt to her side, catching her before she hit

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