Regan's Reach 2: Orbital Envy
soon be out of control. The five cosmonauts moon walking were about to find themselves very, very alone. On the Shuttle, pilot and engineer reportedly were working frantically to identify the fault. Preparing for pick up had become a disaster.
    The little ADF observed the crafts irregular motion with casual interest. Ham reasoned he wasn't exactly spying, he was watching. There was a difference. It was none of his business but already he was calculating the rate of spin, the regularity of the bursts and the likelihood of survival. Hmmm , he thought as he prepared to report back to Hillary, I hope that thing has barf bags !
    Meanwhile, on Hillary, the US 'spies' had arrived. Regan watched the welcoming ceremony with interest, staying on the fringe of the small group. She had said she wouldn't be there at all, but in the end couldn't resist. The USDynamics Liaison Officer had gathered a small welcoming group for Majors Leah Morgan and 'Butch' Harmon, Navigator and Pilot of the latest US Shuttle. The pair's arrival had drawn a lot of interest as the craft struggled to match spin approaching the pipe. Ham left them for a while then arrested their progress before any damage was done, a fact of which they remained blissfully unaware. They then managed a successful glide in to the flight deck in the USDynamics Shipyard, inner rim earthward end.
    Regan had chosen this arrival pad for personal reasons. The USD flight decks hummed with activity and she knew it would be a shock to them. No harm in letting them know they're not the Bee's knees, she thought. Hayden had delegated a hand holder for the pair to spare her but she couldn't resist being there to observe the arrival. They were the first Military on Hillary. Shit!
    Watching them step down from the shuttle was almost comical. They did look flash but the bulky flight suits were a blast from the past she thought. To be fair she had become so accustomed to the apparent fail safe nature of Ham's systems that any thoughts of needing even a helmet hadn't occurred to her.
    [Now,] Ham gently reminded her [you need to be reasonable. These are our friends, remember. Take a breath. They joined up for just this chance, to get into space, not to kill people. They're just like you] Ham could tell Regan was unreasonably touchy. [Do you need anything to calm down? Elephant tranquilizer perhaps?]
    [I'm good Ham, but you know how I feel about this, it's not their fault but the military, they all come with this ingrained attitude of entitled power]
    [One, that's a ridiculous generalization, and two, you won't have to deal with them anyway, remember?]
    The two officers walked toward the obvious welcoming committee. Morgan was short but walked with a powerful grace. She looked like a gymnast. Harmon she guessed would be a little taller than herself. The pair walked straight toward Hayden who was clearly the oldest of the group and although dressed casually, every inch CEO material.
    Major Harmon, the senior officer saluted. "Mr. Joyce?" Hayden smiled a welcome and extended his hand which Harmon shook with gusto.
    "It's good to have you both here Major's, welcome to Hillary Station." Hayden glanced across at Regan but she quickly shook her head.
    "Wow," Harmon blurted, "What a place you have here, unbelievable, I flew your planes sir, in training, who would have thought I would one day be standing on a USDynamics Orbital?"
    [REGAN!] The voice boomed in her head, distracting her for a moment.
    Hayden jumped in quickly. "Well Major, let's get it straight, it's our privilege to be here, we're partners in the building and we're learning all the time, but this is a STEIN project make no mistake about that." He looked uncomfortable.
    "Oh sure, sure I know they've got the money but we sure know what to do with it eh?" and he laughed conspiratorially. Hayden actually recoiled and stepped away.
    Regan found herself stepping forward, what she would say she didn't know. Major Leah Morgan took one

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