Reggie & Me

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Book: Reggie & Me by Marie Yates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Yates
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out) so we trying your trick of putting your head in your hand to look like you’re concentrating whilst actually closing your eyes and having a nap! No more sweets in French classes as you need to make a good impression, which won’t be hard for you. We’d love to come up and visit when you’re free if your new friends won’t mind us taking you away from them.
    We miss you loads,
    All of us x
    I cried. I’d been thinking about them ever since I’d overheard that lunchtime conversation and whilst I thought I didn’t miss them…I really did. I miss how it used to be though. I miss the way it was before I was raped. I miss how easy it was just to be together, talking about anything and everything. We used to talk non-stop and I can’t remember what we talked about! I didn’t seem to matter.
    More than anything, I miss how I used to be. I used to be someone that people wanted to be around.
    At least Reggie enjoys my company! He was thrilled to see me when I came home. Knowing that I have to get myself motivated to take him out for a walk after a bad day really keeps me going. As I’m writing this he is lying across my homework and I’m not feeling motivated to move him. I’m not sure that I can use that as an excuse for not doing it though. He does make me laugh! When I’m with him it’s impossible to feel sorry for myself. It’s also impossible to get anything done!

    Got to love the weekends! It is just so nice to have time at home again. The summer holiday already feels like a lifetime ago. Mum and I went out for a pub lunch yesterday and it was such a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon. I didn’t say this to Mum but it was just so nice to have someone to talk to! Mum commented that it had been weird not hearing our phones go off all the time. When we were in our old house it was non-stop beeping. Since we moved the beeping has got progressively less! Mum said that she hadn’t really heard from her friends either. Her best friend, Jane, was always there for her and the morning beep from her daily text message was still a constant feature in our days. They were always in contact. Jane was in contact with me too, which was nice, but I do wish I had my own ‘Jane’! Mum and Jane grew up together and according to my grandparents were inseparable. Then, Jane went off to Uni and Mum stayed at home, but they never lost their friendship. I never really had one best friend. There was a group of us who spent lots of time together but I also floated amongst other friendship groups! I was part of the sports teams and enjoyed singing so also had friends in that group. My main group of friends were great but there wasn’t one person I would say was my best friend. Not like Mum and Jane.
    Mum said that we’ll know when we’ve settled here because the beeping will start again. I hoped that would happen soon. The only thing I’d been using my phone for is playing games in lunch breaks when I would rather have been talking to people.
    ‘I’m thinking about trying out for the sports teams if you don’t mind. If I get selected it might mean some after school practice, so Reggie wouldn’t get a walk until a bit later.’
    Mum was really pleased and ironically decided to celebrate this decision by ordering us a pudding! She said, ‘That sounds like a brilliant idea, you used to love all that team stuff and I’msure Reggie will cope for an extra hour or so. Does this mean you’re feeling a bit happier about school?’ I said that we’d need to wait and see. I didn’t want to lie and tell her that things were getting better but I also didn’t want to worry her.
    It was a gorgeous day so it would have been rude not to get home and take Reggie on an adventure. It’s not like we had any exciting social plans! We set off to a local park that Mum had been told about by someone at work. At least she had found someone to talk to!
    The park was brilliant as it had a little lake that Reggie could swim in. It was

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