Reggie & Me

Reggie & Me by Marie Yates

Book: Reggie & Me by Marie Yates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Yates
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hadn’t changed, I wasn’t expecting it to repeat itself. I was about to start work on ‘Medicine Through Time’ for the second year running! I had studied this last year and again in the summer holiday thinking that I would never have to do it again, I needed to catch up on Modern World History by myself. That should keep me out of trouble and help me sleep!
    Break and lunch times were the worst. I just sat by myself. I could see everyone else catching up on the gossip and laughing about what had happened in the holidays. I desperately wanted a group that I could go and talk to, but at the same time, the thought of having to talk to anyone scared me. They would ask where I was from and why I left. Mum and I had agreed that if anyone asked, we would say that we moved for her job. That was nice and easy but I still didn’t want to talk to anyone about it. I wasn’t sure why I felt so scared though. Was it normal to feel like this or was I scared that people would find out about what happened?
    They were the longest breaks of my life.
    At the sound of that final bell it was like I’d been freed from prison. I almost ran home, got changed in record time and was out with Reggie before I could give school a second thought. At least he was pleased to see me. It was so nice to have something else to focus on as otherwise I think I would have moped around feeling sorry for myself. Instead, I was in the park watching Reggie playing with a dog half his size. There is no better distraction!
    It was Mum’s first day at work too and she came home armed with the Chinese takeaway. This was a very pleasant surprise. She had sent me a couple of texts during the day to see how I wasgetting on and I just replied saying I was fine as I didn’t want her to worry. Especially after she’d admitted she was nervous about starting her new job too.
    We sat together, devouring the food and talking about how our days had been. We both said that they’d been good and came up with a couple of stories. The most interesting thing I could think of to tell her was that I’d have Maths on a Monday morning. It then went quiet and we both laughed as Mum said to me, ‘Was your day pretty crap too then?’
    I was so relieved it wasn’t just me and grinned as I replied, ‘Yep, it has been a long, lonely day and I’m very happy to be home.’
    Mum packed away the empty takeaway boxes and admitted that she hadn’t really spoken to anyone either as she’d been handed folders of policies and procedures to read. I don’t really know what they are but it sounds about as exciting as having to repeat ‘Medicine Through Time’!
    As I came upstairs to get some homework done she said, ‘It will get better you know, we both just need to give it some time.’ That would be easier said than done when I couldn’t even get someone to smile back at me, but I kept that thought to myself. She was still sure that moving here was a good thing for us and that it would just take time to settle in properly. I really hope she’s right as I’m not sure how many days like this I can take!

    I wish I could say that day two was better.
    It wasn’t.
    Well, in some ways it was as Reggie didn’t roll in anything disgusting this morning and I didn’t have Maths. Nobody can say that I’m a complete pessimist. School wasn’t any better though. Miss Haywood cornered me this morning with an upbeat, ‘Hi, Danielle, how are you getting on, are you all ready for day two?’
    I didn’t really know what to say. I feel like I’ve got an entire year’s worth of work that I need to teach myself, nobody will even glance in my direction let alone speak to me and I’m scared that people will find out the real reason why I moved school. Other than that, I am fine and dandy! So, I stuck with the standard response of, ‘Fine thanks, I’m okay,’ and she seemed happy with that.
    I thought about what Mum said about being patient and making an effort to be friendly. Patience

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