Relatively Rainey

Relatively Rainey by R. E. Bradshaw

Book: Relatively Rainey by R. E. Bradshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. E. Bradshaw
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Lgbt
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I’d call that a lifestyle though. I’d probably just say that's the way it should be. A home that focuses on love without fear and violence, where no one is worried about what will set Dad off in a rage.”
    Aaron Engel took two steps forward, ready to pummel Wendy King. Her hand slipped to her weapon.
    It didn’t deter his rage. “I’m going to take that pistol from you and teach you some goddam respect, you smart mouthed bitc—”
    The derogatory term he was about to use caught in his cheeks when a large hand clamped down on his shoulder.
    “I wouldn’t do that mister,” a booming bass voice said.
    Aaron took one look over his shoulder at the mountain of a man and deflated.
    Officer King smiled. “Mr. Engel, I’d like to introduce you to my friend Mackie.”
    “Hands on the car,” Mackie instructed.
    Aaron Engel complied. He was still angry, but evidently not in the mood for an ass whippin’.
    “Looks like you’re only aggressive toward women, Aaron. That’s the second time I’ve seen your raging bull act come to an abrupt halt when a bigger man stepped in to take the upper-hand.”
    Miles McKinney, Rainey Bell’s business partner and the guardian angel to those she loved—six feet six inches of solid muscle since his heart attack and newfound love of the gym—handcuffed his prisoner.
    “Lil’ sis, the man is in custody. No need to rub his face in it.”
    “He’s a jackass and an abusive one at that,” Wendy said, bolstered by youthful arrogance.
    “I knew a girl like you once,” Mackie replied while putting the handcuffed man in the backseat of Wendy’s patrol car. “She paid an awful price to gain some humility. You might learn from that experience without it costing you as well.”
    “I just want to talk to my wife,” Aaron called out from inside the car. “If she hadn’t brought her here,” referring to Officer King, “she would have been home by now. She brainwashed her against me. I know they text all the time. I can see her phone activity. I know that bitch right there is unduly influencing Amy. I have to get her out of here.”
    “See, I told you he was a prick. Who spies on a spouse like that? Your wife is lucky she is rid of you.”
    Aaron made a show of coming out of the car before a large palm hit his forehead sending him backward onto the car seat. Mackie, who had been dealing with men like Engel much longer than his badge wearing young friend, leaned down and spoke softly to the fuming man.
    “Mr. Engel, you’re going to be arrested. Be good and you’ll probably be out in twenty-four hours. Get a lawyer and listen to him. My best advice, throw yourself on the mercy of the court and get some help. But this behavior here, that’s going to cost you if you keep it up. It’s already cost you your career. Don’t let it cost you everything else.”
    Mackie turned to Officer Wendy King with a sage piece of advice, “And you, don’t let your mouth write a check your ass can’t pay for.”


    11:59 PM, Thursday, February 12, 2015
    Colfax Park Drive, Chatham County, NC

    He had to stay off his wrenched ankle for a week. He’d been bearing his full weight again for only a few days, but he could wait no longer. His wife was coming back Saturday morning for a Valentine’s visit. She would be home for a week this time. He needed a fix, and he needed it now. With his injury, he couldn’t chance an encounter with one of his girls, but Paige would be off to the school dance Friday night. Her parents would go to their usual date night dinner and a movie. Her room would be free, and he could spend a few hours working off some steam.
    He was watching Paige’s house, fantasizing from the bushes of the time he would come to take her away. Until then, he came and went in her world without notice. However, he planned to leave a message this visit. It was time to let Paige know he was coming. He reached under his waistband, about to pleasure himself while he thought of her when he

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