expecting to hit bone, but my knife easily penetrated its scaly flesh. I puled out the knife and almost had to fling the sticky head of the demon off of the end of it.
    More demons were running throughout the cabin, attacking us and causing chaos by breaking things or throwing objects across the room. Carter, Max and I were slowly being backed into a corner of the cabin as their numbers grew.
    “There are so damn many of the little fuckers!”
    “Abby, where is your gun?”
    I cursed myself for leaving it in the bedroom. I wanted to grab it, but it was leaning against the wal right under a window.
    Max sliced with his knife in a large sweeping motion, causing a gooey green line to form across the row of demons in front of us. They growled louder and a few dove at us. I kicked as many as I could, and hacked off limbs and ears with my knife when I could. Carter was holding a knife in one hand and an arrow in another.
    Stabbing and slicing at the same time, but there were just too many of them. Several of them were fighting with missing limbs or even trying to hit us with their severed parts, throwing the scaly, stinking pieces of demon at us.
    Suddenly a deafening blast rattled the room and I saw the look of shock on their ugly little faces.
    I looked to my left and there was Taya, carrying my shotgun.
    She cocked it again and shot at the back of the group again and the demons quickly started running for the windows, desperately trying to escape. The confidence they had felt by backing us into a corner had immediately dissipated.
    We started to fight back harder and I yeled for Taya to grab us ammo. She ran for the bag in the kitchen and swung at a demon with the butt of the gun sending it flying onto the kitchen counter. The site of her running around with a shotgun and an oversized t-shirt with her skinny legs poking out the bottom, would normaly have been hilarious, but at this particular moment she was nothing short of an angel to me.
    “Max!” Taya yeled as she tossed a magazine at him.
    He caught it, quickly loading his gun and taking out demons with every shot.
    I turned and helped Carter fight off a particularly fat little demon. Its round stomach protruded so far, it was odd how it kept itself upright. We quickly overpowered it and watched as it retreated with an arrow sticking out the back of its head.
    Taya shot at the last few as they tried climbing out the window, their bodies faling back into the cabin like rocks.
    We al stood there in shock for a moment and I quickly fel to the floor as the adrenaline in my body ran out.
    “Abby!” Carter and Max ran to me. Both their faces riddled with scratches and green spots of demon blood and streaks of red.
    “She’s losing a lot of blood. Max go get the first aid kit!” I heard Carter barking orders. I turned my head to see Max, but instead I saw Taya.
    Her once terrified eyes had turned defiant and I smiled at her.
    “You did it Taya. You saved us.”
    “Yeah, good job Taya,” Carter added. She smiled up at him as tears started to stream down her face.
    Max quickly came back with the kit and they got to work on my shoulder. I knew the demon had bitten it, but I didn’t think it could have been that bad. The looks on their faces, however, said otherwise.
    “Put pressure on it Max, while I get the alcohol.”
    “You ready Abby?” I nodded gritting my teeth. I felt someone hold my hand and I squeezed it as Carter poured alcohol onto the wound. I tried holding it back, but I screamed loudly as the alcohol sizzled and bubbled in the open wounds.
    “Ok. Ok. Worst part is over.” I looked over to Taya. It was her hand I was holding and I was grateful for her comfort. She had suddenly become so strong and brave.
    “Carter, we need to get out of here,” I said trying to stand up, but he pushed me back down. I didn’t want to just lay there. What if the shotgun only scared them off for a moment and they would be crawling back in through the windows at any

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